Chapter 29: Emma's Birthday Gift

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As a month has passed

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As a month has passed. Tom helped Emma with everything she needed. She was now seven-months pregnant and her growing baby bump was now the size of a bloated ball which made her struggled a bit as her body shows more, slight back pains, swells, and sores. 

Luckily Tom was there to the rescue and Emma felt happier than ever as he promised her that he would never leave her side, always.

As the days went on, Tom has been secretly thinking about Emma's upcoming birthday on Friday and he was planning to buy her a gift. The problem is he needed a plan to make sure she doesn't find out what he was surprising her for her upcoming birthday.

As he was thinking about her birthday. Emma came in with Willow on her side as she sat beside Tom and rested herself on Tom's shoulder as she looks at him while giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"Thinking about something lately?" She asked teasingly.

Tom looked at her with a smirking-chuckle as he caresses her beautiful hair. "Nope," He answered calmly, knowing he was still thinking about her upcoming birthday. "You?"

Emma shook her head lightly. "Nope, But Bonnie and Evanna called me lately,"

Tom questioningly rose his brow. "What? Why?" He asked.

"Well, they're inviting me for baby shopping and they wanted me to come along with them Because they wanted to buy some baby clothes for me for our twins. Can I come with them, Tom, Please?" She asked pleadingly with those adorable brown orbs.

Tom frowned a bit as he thinking about it...

Suddenly an idea came into his mind with a *SNAP*

That's It! if he lets Emma come along with Bonnie and Evanna, then he would have a chance to buy her a gift without knowing it, But then again there could be a chance she would be struggling again due to her pregnancy problems and he couldn't allow that.

'Come on, Felton, think fast...' he thought.

"Tom?" She asked if he was still in the conversation they were having.

Tom snapped out and let out a deep sigh deciding to get over with it. 

"Fine..." He answered lazily.

Emma's eyes beamed as she looks at him. "Really!?"

Tom nodded with a soft smile on his face as he cupped her cheek. "Yes, But you must promise me you'll never overdo yourself, Okay?"

Emma nodded with a smile and embraces him tightly. "I promise," She promisingly muttered onto his chest making Tom smiled as he embraces her back while kissing the top of her head lightly.

As they parted, Tom held her hand as he kisses the engagement ring that he'd given to her last Christmas making Emma smiled affectionately as he cups her cheek.

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