Chapter 33: Getting Fiesty Aren't We?

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A week later after Emma gave birth to Andrew & Charlotte

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A week later after Emma gave birth to Andrew & Charlotte. The media entirely exploded and spread into flames of joys as fans around the world spread their Love and congratulations to Emma Watson and Tom Felton on the birth of their children making the couple the luckiest day of their lives as they were now finally parents...


"Here they are, Ms. Watson, Mr. Felton!" The two nurses grinned, presently carrying the twins in their loving arms as families around the room immediately brighten as they saw two cute little angels in the arms of the nurses.

The Couples' faces brighten with joy as the two nurses carefully handed over their sleeping Andrew and Charlotte over their loving arms.

"We'll leave you all for a moment Ms. Watson, Mr. Felton. If you need anything, just please inform us by the line and we'll be happy to help if you needed anything, okay?" The taller nurse informed.

The couple glanced up to the nurses and nodded with a thankful smile. "Thank you..." They said softly.

The nurses happily nodded and finally their turn heels towards the doors as they left everyone in the room for privacy...


As Chris Watson and Jacqueline Luesby held Andrew and Charlotte in their arms for the first time. Emma and Tom meanwhile couldn't bear the cuteness as they watched the grandparents grew fawningly on their children as they saw tears of joy coming out from their eyes.

"Oh, Emma, Darling, They're so adorable like you both!" Her mother beamingly joy, noticing their grandchildren were very much like their father and mother.

"I agree with you, Love. Besides I can't believe our daughter's finally a mother!..." Chris emotionally said.

Emma giggled, rolling her eyes playfully while Tom couldn't bear his laughing underneath his breath as he gave the love of his life a sweet kiss on the forehead. "Thanks, Dad," She smiled, blushingly to her father.

Chris chuckled happily at her daughter. "You're welcome, Darling," As they went back adoring the cuteness of their grandchildren over their loving arms.

As Emma watched her parents grew fawned of their children. She has almost forgotten that it's time to have them back in their arms once again.

"Mom, Dad..." She giggled "Can we please have our children back, please?" She asked kindly to her parents making them both snapped as they looked at their daughter while they chucklingly giggled.

"Oh, Of course, Darling, sorry," Her mother said apologizingly, Handing back their grandchildren carefully onto their parents' loving arms once again.

"Thanks, mom," She smiled kindly at her mother.

"You're welcome, Darling" She smiled. "It's just we're very happy already that, You & Tom gave us the happiest gift of our lives as grandparents," She explained kindly to her daughter giving her a sweet kiss on the forehead.

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