Chapter 9 : Celebration Party

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It was early 5 in the morning

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It was early 5 in the morning. Tom slowly opened his eyes as he slowly glance down. He smiled weakly. Seeing the daze of her beautiful Emma, who was cuddling within his chest feeling their warmth naked bodies between them. He slowly reach up his hand and softly stroked down her beautiful soft long glossy hair as he slowly leaned for a kiss on her forehead.

Emma softly moved her head a lil for more comfort. He smiled as heard Emma softly muttered his name while she was still asleep. Tom chuckled under his breath as he kissed her once more in the forehead as he quickly went back to sleep.

An hour later. Tom slowly opened his eyes again with a faintest smile as he slowly caught daze of Emma, who was already awake after him. Emma observed his breaths as she was smiling softly at Tom. Tom chuckled softly under his breath as he cupped Emma's cheek with his hand.

"Morning..." She giggled softly.

Tom laughed weakly "Did you have goodnight sleep?"

Emma just laughed weakly as she slowly leaned on Tom for a passionate kiss.

Tom took it as a yes, he immediately kissed her back as he slowly flip her down to bed. Emma giggled as Tom starts kissing down her neck.

"Ohh...Tom..." she moaned.

"I know you wouldn't resist me, Emma." He said between kisses.

Suddenly Tom's phone starts ringing. As they both were still continuing their make-out-session.

"Aren't you gonna answer that?" She giggled as Tom starts kissing her soft pink lips.

Tom chuckled under his breath. "Just leave it be Em, I can answer that later once were done." he said between kisses.

But his phone starts ringing again. Tom stopped as he looked at his phone and glance back to Emma.

Emma cupped Tom's cheek as she gave Tom a reassuring smile. "It's okay."

Tom smiled and gave her a peck on the lips as he reach out his phone on the bedside table. He checked his phone who was calling him. Apparently it was Bonnie.

"It's Bonnie." And immediately answered the call.

"Hey Bon, How's going?" He said on the line.

"Pretty fine Tom, Just having a great day you know." She answered.

"So, why do you called all of a sudden Bon, you know its still early right?" He asked.

"Yeah I know, I was just wondering since You and Emma are already dating, maybe we can have a celebration party together with the entire gang on my place" She smiled behind the line.

Tom hold the line as he whispered directly to Emma.

"Bonnie wants us to join the celebration party together with the gang, since were both dating." He whispered to Emma.

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