Chapter 10: I think I had Too Much

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"Have they arrive yet?" Dan asked excitedly

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"Have they arrive yet?" Dan asked excitedly.

Bonnie just took deep sighed as she stared at her front window of her house waiting for them to arrive. "Not yet, Dan."

"Its already 6:36 Bon, I think there just stuck in traffic maybe?" Matthew Shrugged as he took a sip of his wine.

The Phelps snorted. "Or they might have just forgot about it." they said in Unison.

Bonnie glance her head back as she shot full of deadly glares at the twins. "Would you Twins stop having negative thoughts on your minds or I will kick your balls off before you two could say quidditch." She sneered angrily.

That made the twins gulped hard enough as they both shut their mouths completely, before Bonnie could do anything damage to them. And they don't wanna know what it feels like.

"Relax Bon, Emma just chatted me and there on their way" Evanna laughed as she was comforting her adorable cat named Puff on her arms.

That gave Bonnie a sweet warm smile as she glance back at the window for another couple minutes as they waited for Emma and Tom to arrive.


"Were here." Tom said with a smile excitedly.

Emma giggled as Tom parked the SUV near Bonnie's house. Tom hopped out as he made his away around towards the shotgun side and back seat side as he opened both doors for Emma and Willow.

Tom smiled as he offered his hand for Emma. Emma smiled as she quickly obliged as she took Tom's hand while the other is Willow on the other hand, as they made their way towards the front door.

They rang the doorbell twice as the door finally opened and they were all greeted by Bonnie and the rest of the entire Harry Potter gang, as everyone starts popping party poppers around them while they were both congratulated by everyone.

Emma smiled joyfully as so was Tom, they both leaned down for a sweet kiss as everyone starts cheering, and teasing, and, wolf whistling at them.

"Oi!, Lets welcome the new couple FELTSON!!" Dan and Rupert teased as everybody starts throwing some cheers at them.

"Feltson, Feltson, Feltson, Feltson, Feltson." Bonnie, Matthew, Louis, Evanna and the Twins cheered like they were all inside the Gryffindor common room who just won a Quidditch cup.

" Radcliffe, Grint, I'm going beat your arse!" Tom joked as he went to hugged Dan.

Just then Evanna came behind Dan as she ran towards to her best friend. "Oh my god Emma, you and Tom look so perfect together." She excitedly squealed which made Emma laughed.

"Awe, Thank you so much, Evanna" She said while rolling her eyes as she hugged Evanna. She then look down at Evanna's arms and she was holding her adorable cat named Puff.

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