Chapter 34: Mr & Mrs. Felton

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6 Months Later, Their Wedding Day, December 7th, 2021, Paris

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6 Months Later, Their Wedding Day, December 7th, 2021, Paris...

Knock* Knock* Knock*

"Come in!" Emma cheeringly called in, facing the mirror, looking splendidly, admiring her beautifulness over the beautiful wedding dress she's now wearing while she looks at the mirror, breathtakingly.

As Jacqueline entered the room. She gasps into tears of joy as she looks at her beautiful daughter in her wonderful wedding dress who's now going to be finally marrying the man she loved since they were sweet childhood sweethearts.

Tom Felton...

Emma turned around and greets her mother immediately as Jacqueline slowly approached her, holding her hand warmingly as she looks at her beautiful daughter very dearly in her eyes with the heart-melting emotions she's now feeling.

'She couldn't believe it, her daughter is finally getting married," She said happily in her thoughts.

"Oh, Emma, Darling, You look wonderfully beautiful!" Jacqueline praised, viewing her daughter's dress very beautifully from top to bottom.

Emma's cheeks flushed as she giggled shyly from her mother. "Thanks, mum, So do you," She kindly said with a blushing smile that she couldn't hide from her mother.

Jacqueline heartily giggled. "You're always welcome, Darling," Sliding a tear away from her eye as she smiles happily at her daughter. "I am so proud to be your mother. I just wanna say, Darling congratulations on finding your true love. I hope You & Tom's love will grow stronger & deeper through each other's passing years together with your children and I hope you two will have a wonderful life together, Darling." She said dearly with tears that she couldn't be held anymore.

Emma's felt her heart melted with tears from her mother's kind words as she embraces her very dearly in her loving arms. "Thanks, mum,..." She embracingly responded before finally parting from their warmful embrace.

Ms. Luesby smiled adoringly at her daughter. "You're always welcome, Darling, I'm so proud of you." She said proudly, cupping her daughter's cheek once again with tears of joy she's feeling.

Just then 3 Knocks behind the door cut off their moment, making them both turned towards the door as they glance at it.

"Come in!" Emma titled her head, calling in whoever's behind the door.

The door opened slightly and Bonnie came in. "Hey Em!" She greeted, poking her head through the door before noticing her mother was there too. "Oh, Hello Ms.Luesby," She greeted shyly with a light blush on her cheeks.

Ms. Luesby kindly smiled at Bonnie. "Hello dear," She greeted dearly. "I think I'll leave you two for a moment," She said, before turning back to her daughter. "I'll be waiting for you downstairs okay, Darling?"

Emma happily nodded in her mother's response and kissed her in the cheeks before finally leaving the room as Bonnie opened the door for her to exit.

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