Chapter 30: Emma's Birthday Surprise

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The next morning, Emma woke up greatly, feeling the cold weather breeze entered through the outside doors as she gently sat up in bed, stretching out, rubbing her eyes when suddenly she noticed a small table was placed beside her, filled with warm...

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The next morning, Emma woke up greatly, feeling the cold weather breeze entered through the outside doors as she gently sat up in bed, stretching out, rubbing her eyes when suddenly she noticed a small table was placed beside her, filled with warm breakfast including a small delicious cake.

Emma happily smiled as she knew Tom sometimes likes to prepare her a lovely breakfast in the lovely morning as she moves closer to the edge of the bed when she noticed there was a lovely folded card underneath the plate of her cake.

She grabbed the card and opened it as she began reading it.

To the Most Beautiful Woman and soon-to-be Mother in the world 
Happy 31st Birthday To You My Love.


PS: If you're reading this, Char I'm just taking a quick shower Quack x.

Emma giggled and was awed by Tom's greeting card as she reread it and embrace it lovingly at her chest as she glanced over her prepared warm birthday breakfast as she began to dig in on her lovely morning.

Minutes later Tom was finally finished after a refreshing shower as he made his way back towards the bedroom while Willow meanwhile took a stroll around the house.

When he entered the bedroom, he noticed Emma was finally awake as she turned to him with a surprising beaming smile as she looks at him, adoringly.

"There you are!" Emma giggled. "Come here," She said happily, putting the lovely card aside on the nightstand.

Tom chuckled knowing she'd already read the letter as he sat beside her at the edge of the bed, scooping her into his arms. "So You've read it-" But his sentence was caught short as Emma pulled him for a sweet lovable kiss.

Her kiss was soft and tender and Tom didn't hesitate on her kiss as he slowly kissed her back, tenderly, running his fingers through her soft beautiful hair as he pushed her gently to bed without harming the twins within her.

Their tongues dance hotly within each other's mouths as they moaned and groaned between their hot steamy kiss while feeling this lovable passion they had together as they parted from their lips, Tom started trailing kisses underneath her neck making her giggled as she moaned softly between her breaths.

"Oh, Tom..." She moaned softly, feeling his sweet kisses trailing over her beautiful neck.

Tom smirked between his kisses on her neck as he stopped and looked at her affectionately over her beautiful brown orbs.

She was the woman of his life...

"I Love you..." He whispered affectionately, trailing his fingers over her beautiful soft features as Emma blushingly smiled at him while cupping his cheek.

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