Chapter 17: A Merry Feltson Christmas

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It was finally December 24th as Tom & Emma were very excited for today's day as they both planned to celebrate their Christmas at their hometown London, Emma phoned her parents and told them that she would be spending the holidays on Tom's family, but she promised them that she would bringing Tom for boxing day, Emma's family was very eager to see Tom again, especially their relationship was already spreading wider across the internet like a wildfire, especially her pregnancy that she announced a few weeks ago, but what everyone doesn't know is that they're not just having a baby, but twins, the couple decided it would be best to tell their parents first the surprise, before, they break the news upon their fans, that they're having twins.

"Happy Christmas, Char..." Tom smiled as he cuddled beside as they were both waiting on the VIP lounge, waiting for their flight to London.

Emma giggled as she rested on Tom chest. "Happy Christmas Too, Tom..." She glance up as they both leaned for a sweet kiss.

Tom chuckled as he placed his hand on her visible 6 week belly as he began talking to his twins.
"Merry Christmas too, My Tiny Little Twins!," he cooed while rubbing her belly gently. "Your Mom and I will be going to London, I hope you'all excited, because you two will be visiting your grandparents, we haven't told your grandparents yet that you two are twins!" He chuckled."We just hope that your Mom and I's parents won't passed out, just like what happened to me last time, when I found you two were twins!," He laughed as he looked at Emma and gave her a quick kiss.

"They wont, Tom," She laughed "I'm sure they'll be happy once they heard it from us," She giggled as she cupped his cheek.

Tom laughed and kissed her forehead. "They'll be Em, They'll be..." He smiled, cupping her cheek as they waited for their flight.


Soon the couple were finally aboard the plane, Tom told her to her sit while he puts down their luggage over the head bin including his guitar, he sat down as they both relaxed while people passed them, taking their sits as they waited for the plane to leave at Los Angeles.

Soon the plane is now taking off , Tom glance at the window as he saw the entire Los Angeles City, above from here, he smiled at the view as he turned to Emma and she was already sleeping soundly on his shoulder, cutely, He smiled and kissed her forehead as he decided to get some rest since they will be arriving on London the next morning, he rested his head on top of her as they both slept the journey away.


The next morning, Tom was awaken as he heard the plane heads up, they were finally at London, he look around and some of the passengers were still awake while others are still asleep. he sighed and glance down at Emma as he weakly smiled, she was still sleeping soundly on his shoulder, He kissed her forehead sweetly as he observed her slow breaths while she was sleeping beautifully like a cute puppy beside him.

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