Chapter 23: Happy Valentines Day

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Author: Don't play the song Yet guys

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Author: Don't play the song Yet guys

Today was a very a special day as the lovely couple were very excited for today's day...
Its Valentines day and Tom wanted to spend this very special day for the love of his life unfortunately, Emma will be having a Vogue's photo-shoot in the Mid-morning. So they decided that they would be spending their wonderful Valentines day in a beautiful afternoon.

Emma just finished her make up touches as her handsome prince charming Tom Felton, gently cuddle behind her as Tom softly buried his face around her neck, seeing this makes Emma very happy as she gently cupped Tom's face while they were both facing the mirror, seeing them both together.

"Happy Valentines day," He announced sweetly, giving Emma a sweet valentines kiss on the cheek.

Emma giggled, glancing up to him and kissed him passionately."Happy Valentines too," She said with a smile.

Tom giggly-smiled as he gently placed his hand on her clothed baby bump, making her smile as she watched Tom began talking to their twins inside her.

"Happy Valentines there you two, I hope you two are doing well there, because Mommy and I will be celebrating our wonderful Valentines day, so I hope you two behave there as well, okay?" He cooed, gently rubbing her clothed baby bump and kissed them.

Emma giggled as Tom glance up to her with a charming smile and gently kissed her with passion, Emma smiled, slowly closing her eyes as she slowly kissed him back, slowly building up that passion and love they've always wanted as they slowly parted from their kiss, making them both laughed under breaths as they slowly connected their foreheads against to one another.

"We should get going, they might be wondering whats taking you so long for you to arrive at the shoot," He said knowingly with a smirked, cupping her face.

Emma softly laughed, she almost forgot about her Vogue's photo shoot for today's morning she thought.

She took Tom's hand and her sling bag, as they both left the house, together with Willow and drove towards their destination where she will be having her Vogue's Photo shoot...


Minutes of driving they've finally arrived at the place where she'll be having her Vogue's photo shoot, the Mansion was huge and the gardens were full of beautiful colorful flowers, as Tom carefully park from the Mansion's entrance.

Emma gently unbuckled her seat belt as Tom gave her a sweet good luck kiss. "Don't over do yourself Darling, If you're tired let them know, Okay?"

"Oh don't be so dramatic Tom," She said sarcastically with a assuredly smile "I will, and Once this is done, we'll go and finally celebrate our Valentines day, Okay?" she knowingly giggled, cupping Tom's cheeks and kissed him.

Tom happily smiled as Emma opened the door.

"Oh wait," she said before she can exited the door as she turn around , placing her index finger on Tom's lip."You better dressed nicely Mr. Felton," She said Knowingly and kissed him one last time before she hopped out.

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