Chapter 8: Venice Beach

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Author:Dont play the song yet guys

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Author:Dont play the song yet guys

"Are you really 100% sure that their dating?" James asked. As everyone was in a Video call.

Daniel nodded annoyingly  "Yes, How many times do I have repeat myself. " he drawled annoyingly.

"How can you be so sure, hmm?" Oliver asked Daniel for proof. "I mean Tom, always jokes around you know, he maybe serious but sometimes he jokes, Dan." he said sarcastically.

Dan rolled his eyes and sighed deeply. The Phelps continued not to believed in him.

"Look, I'm telling the truth guys, I swear" he said frustratingly. 

"Look guys, you're making Dan annoyed with your stupid damn repeating questions Phelps" Bonnie butt in the conversation.

"Were just saying, Bon" The Phelps shrugged in unison.

"Emma told me everything about her and Tom. There I have proof you believe in us now?" She asked annoyingly.

The Phelps just looked at them and shook their heads at the camera.

Bonnie sighed and glared at two. If the looks could kill.

"I believe in Bonnie and Dan guys." Louis Butt in too with them. "I mean. come on guys" He shrugged.

"Umm, guys..." Mathew joined in too.

"What!" everyone yelled at Mathew from the camera view.

"Jeez, Don't yell at me. Why is it always me?" He mocked angrily on his line.

"Sorry Matt..." Bonnie quickly apologize. "What is it?" She asked.

"There on Venice beach." Mathew said.

"What?" The Phelps furrowed their brows "Proof" as they glared at Mathew Lewis.

Mathew flip his phone and show the picture of Emma and Tom who was taken by a paparazzi as he showed it in front of everyone in the camera.

"Ohh..." They Phelps said unison. "Sorry..." they frowned with their embarrassment.

"Well you better be." Dan glared at the two.

Bonnie sighed. "Its okay Phelps, You believe with us now?"

The twins sighed and nodded solemnly. "Yes Bon, were very sorry for not believing you, and also you Dan."

"You better be." She pouted.

"Now off with that long arse argument. I wonder what those two lovely couples doing now." Evanna said in a dreamy voice. Acting her character Luna Lovegood.

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