Chapter 32: The Greatest Day Of Their Lives

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As the weeks had passed since her baby shower with the girls in Bonnie's home

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As the weeks had passed since her baby shower with the girls in Bonnie's home. Emma had been very excited yet nervous at the same time as the weeks had gone by. She was now 35 weeks pregnant and she knew this was her last week before she'll be turning up 9 months in her 36 weeks and she knew at any time or any week, or any day it might happen, leading her into labor.

She was just in the living room, reading some books about Motherly breastfeeding with willow resting on the top of her bump when Tom finally came in with a tray of food in his hands.

"Lunch is ready, Love," He told Emma with a smile, placing the tray on the other side of her lap while he sat down on her side as he gave her a sweet kiss on the forehead.

"Thanks," She murmured happily, returning him a sweet kiss on the cheek as she took a bite out of his homemade Chicken-Rice Vegetable with green peas.

"Oh My God!-" Emma beamed, covering her lips with her fist. "Tom, this is really good!" She beamingly pointed out with her fork while her mouth was full as she took another bite out of it.

Tom laughingly-chuckled as he wiped off her lips with a napkin. "I'm glad you did, Love." He smiled, "You know, Can't wait to see our little ones already." He crowed softly with excitement within his voice, looking down at her bump, rubbing the top of it gently, making her happy.

"So do I, I can't wait," She giggled, placing her hand on top of his, on her belly as she kissed him sweetly with a loving smile. "I love you, Tom..." She sweetly whispered.

"I love you too, Char..." He sweetly whispered back with a loving smile, kissing her back as they both parted and giggled underneath their breaths.

"And You Wills!" He beamingly turned, starting ruffling her top head as it made Emma laughed. "Since how long you've been laying on her bump, hmm? Can't even cradle it properly cause you're laying the top of it." He complained jokingly.

Emma lightly laughed as she caresses Willow's head. "She's been laying with me for days, Tom. I think you should really observe Willow, how she really enjoys my bump," She giggled as Tom turned to her with a light laugh.

"I already notice, Em."Cradling her bump gently, making her giggled. "Besides Willow's been protective all over you ever since you got pregnant from the very beginning, I just never knew that I've finally had the girl of my dreams" He chuckled, slumping down his back on the couch as he rested himself cutely beside the love of his life with Willow on her bump.

Just then Emma's phone started ringing making the couple turned their heads towards the rounded end table while Willow jolted up her head on where the ringing sound was coming from.

"Could you check who's calling us, Tom?" She asked favorably while cradling her swollen bump.

Tom sat up immediately as he reached out her ringing phone from the rounded table and checked who it was.

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