Chapter 20: Not Wanting Each Other Apart (Explicit)

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Author: Dont Play the song yet Everybody

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Author: Dont Play the song yet Everybody

"Morning, Love..." Tom cheered, carrying a table tray of food as he entered the bedroom, seeing her beautiful Emma, sleeping.

Emma lightly frowned, hearing Tom's voice, slowly getting up, rubbing her eyes as her vision became clear, seeing her handsome prince charming, Tom Felton, walking towards her with a tray of food on his hands, putting the tray on her lap as she weakly smiled. "Morning..." She said weakly, giving him a kiss.

Tom smiled and kissed her forehead as Emma, pulled the sheets out to cover her chest. "Breakfast is served, Love..." He said sweetly as Emma kissed him again.

"Wow! This Looks delicious!" She said brightly as she smelled the food. "Did you made this by yourself?" she asked curiously, looking at the food.

Tom proudly nod with a reply "Mmhmm, I made it with Love..." He winked.

Emma laughed and kissed him. "You're so sweet you know that!" making him laughed. "Do me a favor..." she asked cutely.

"Sure!" Tom brightly said "What is it, Love?" He asked curiously by looking at her.

"Feed me!" she cutely pouted.

Tom laughed, 'That was actually her favor?...' he said to his thoughts, "Of course! I'll do anything for you, My Love..." He sweetly said, cupping her face.

Emma giggled as Tom picked up the spoon, spooning the food as his hands made a zigzag motion. "Here comes the airplane, Love..." he said cutely as the spoon is heading towards her.

Emma giggled, opening her mouth as the spoon entered her mouth as Tom pulled back the spoon from her mouth as she slowly chewed the food in her mouth, closing her eyes as it felt deliciously good. "Mmmm..." Slowly opening her eyes. "Its delicious!"she said brightly and kissed him. "I Love you..." She giggly, smiled.

Tom chuckled, spooning the food again from the plate, making another zigzag motion towards her mouth. "Here comes another one..." he crowed, playfully, but this time, he'll make a move.

Emma opened her mouth again, but before she could could reach and eat the food, the spoon pullback as Tom quickly kissed her, making her surprisingly shocked by his actions. "You're such a teased!" she whined giggly.

Tom laughed as he cutely pouted, "Oh, Sorry Love, you were taking so long, So I had no choice, but to kiss you , sorry ..." he playfully teased, eating the food, making Emma whined.

"You're such a teased!" Playfully slapping his back, making Tom flinched. "Ow! that hurts, Em!!!" He whined. As Emma rubbed his back where she playfully hit him.

Emma laughed and kissed him. "Serves you right! you were teasing me, sorry..." She playfully teased back and giggled, making them both laugh as they continuously laugh for about a minute, but soon their laughter finally ceased down.

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