Chapter 28: Adorable Baby Kicks

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The next following day Emma and Tom went to the OB/GYN center for their fifth parental care appointment visit as they were very much excited as they couldn't wait to see their growing twins

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The next following day Emma and Tom went to the OB/GYN center for their fifth parental care appointment visit as they were very much excited as they couldn't wait to see their growing twins...

As Emma was laying in bed, Dr.Coyle was checking up her blood pressure as Tom was by on her side, holding her hand tightly as he smiled nervously at the love of his life.

"Nervous?" Tom asked nervously as Emma look up at him.

"A bit, But I'm excited as well ." She grinned, "You?"

"A little bit too," He lightly laughed, "But excited as well as you do..." He answered with a warming smile on his face.

Emma smiled warmly as she leaned up, kissing Tom lightly on the lips...

After knowing her blood pressure was completely normal, It was finally for an ultrasound scan as the two were very nervous and excited at the same time. Tom held Emma's hand tightly as he observed Dr.Coyle applied some liquid gel on Emma's baby bump for the fifth time.

"Just relax Mr. Felton," Dr.Coyle chuckled. "I know you're slightly nervous, but there's nothing to be worried about." He assuredly promised as Tom smiled slightly at him.

"Everything is fine, Tom, Relax, Breath," Emma instructed, squeezing his hand for more comfort as Tom let out a relaxing breath as he lights up a slightly warming smile on Emma.

"Alright let's see," Dr. Coyle muttered as he ran the probe on her belly as the couple watched the monitor screen.

As the probe ran to her belly. Emma gasped into tears of joy as she finally sees her growing baby boy and baby girl within her.

Tom meanwhile felt some indescribable feelings running through his mind as he felt the sense of 'LOVE', seeing his twins on the screen for the fifth time.

"Well, Well 'Well you look at that," Dr. Coyle chuckled impressively, seeing Emma's twins were now cuddling within her belly.

"Oh my god look at them, Tom, they're cuddling." Emma pointed overjoyed as Tom chuckled, kissing Emma's forehead lightly as they watched their twins at the screen.

"They're so adorable, Em" He describing said as Emma laughingly cried with joys in her eyes

"They are!" She cried. "I love you so much," As Tom smiled, kissing her lips lightly as they glance back at the monitor screen with their beautiful twins...

After their wonderful scan, Emma finally pulls down her shirt as she sat up from the bed as Tom helps her out by holding her back.

"You're amazing you know," Tom praised as he cradled her belly gently.

Emma giggled as she kissed his lips lightly. "And so do you." She whispered.

Tom smiled as they turned to Dr.Coyle who was now discussing what they should for the next following months until he calls them for another appointment...

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