Chapter 2: The Greatest HP Reunion Ever

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As the Entire Harry Potter cast enjoyed themselves chatting to one another as they all sat and ate together for dinner as they talk were talking about different topics with their conversation while enjoying their delicious meals they bought for th...

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As the Entire Harry Potter cast enjoyed themselves chatting to one another as they all sat and ate together for dinner as they talk were talking about different topics with their conversation while enjoying their delicious meals they bought for the Reunion.

Emma and Tom meanwhile sat together side by side as they talk and talk about the their moments together in the harry potter set and also their life careers as an actor and actresses as they laughed and continued their conversation together.

Meanwhile Bonnie and Dan observe the two together as they both grinned without being seen by the two. they observe the two's if there were really in love at each other.

Just then Tom interrupted everyone's conversation as he hit the glass lightly with the spoon as everyone turned at looked at him.

Tom held his glass of wine as he made quick speech for everyone. "Guys I would like to thank everyone all of you for attending the Hogwarts Reunion. Its been 19 years since the first Harry Potter Film was released in the Us. And I'm very proud to you'all that we're still all communicated to one another as a second family, but I'm very thankful that were able to continue careers even tho the Harry Potter ended since 2011." Tom raised his glass as everyone followed.

"I would like to announce for a toast for the 19th Anniversary of our Harry Potter Reunion" He paused as rised his glass "Cheers!".

Everybody smiled as they as they clang their glasses of wine at each others and said "Cheers!" as they all sat down again and continued the dinner.

"That was a great speech you did Tom" Emma smiled proudly as she held Tom's hand.

Tom smiled as he looked directly at Emma "Thanks Em, I'm very glad to hear that from you"

Everyone continued their conversation as the two Hours passed through.

"Alright guys that's for you'all, its time for the Golden Trio" Tom said as he held his Phone to take a photo from the trio.

Dan, Emma, and Rupert stand together as they smiled do some wacky poses at the camera together as everyone laughed as they all took pictures from the Trio

Tom smiled as he held down his phone when Dan suddenly took his phone from his hand as he teased Tom with a grinning look.

"Why are you smiling at? Give me back my phone Potter" He smirked.

Dan laughed "Not until we take pictures from You and Granger"

Emma heard Dan's conversation as everyone starts teasing the two. Emma blushed redder as ever as Tom meanwhile laughed while he was getting teased by the gang.

"Come we just need 1 picture just the two of you together that's all we've asked. Surely you won't disappointed us do You, Malfoy?" Daniel said as he teased Tom.

Tom shook his head as he chuckled lightly as he gave himself deep sighed and agreed with Dan request. "Fine." He smirked.

Emma blushed as Tom accepted Dan's request. Bonnie Immediately grab her phone. Emma tried to get it back from her hands but it was too late.

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