Epilogue: 2 Years Later...

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Years had passed since after their wedding

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Years had passed since after their wedding. Emma & Tom were back and were still active actors to this day and had multiple projects since after their wedding. Despite their busy schedules as actors. The couple still manages their time for each other along with their children. 

Their children meanwhile, Andrew & Charlotte, had also grown beautifully together after 2 years had passed, but ever since the birth of their twins. The fans and the media around the world have given them respective privacy for their personal life as a family. 

Daniel meanwhile finally proposed to his long-time girlfriend Erin Drake and surprisingly announced to the world that they're also expecting a baby together, making their fans and the media around the world surprised by the news, congratulating them both as they're now preparing themselves for the new chapter of their lives as parents.

Matthew meanwhile with his long-time wife Angela Jones had also surprisingly announced to the world that they're also expecting a baby together at the end of this year, making their friends, family, and their fans, surprised by the news as everyone congratulated them both also as soon-to-be-parents.

After years of their relationship together. Louis Cordice finally married his lovely fiance, Natalie Green at St Mary Axe, London on December 17th, 2022, making their friends & families, and their fans around the world, congratulated them as they couldn't felt happier already for the lovely couple along with their wonderful children.

Evanna meanwhile still continued her career as a vegan activist and an actress. Her relationship on the other hand surprisingly went back to Robbie Jarvis, making her fans & the media shocked by the news as they both explained: That They decided to give their relationship another second chance for maybe they might work again, but in a better way as they should.

Bonnie Wright meanwhile also continues her career as an activist, actress, and director.
Her relationship for the meantime is currently still single to this day and she explains to the media: That she's currently holding up for 'Love' at the right time and place, before finally getting herself ready in a relationship she would enjoy for the rest of her life.

And Rupert Grint for the least had finally proposed & married his long-time girlfriend, Georgia Groom, making fans and their families, and their friends around the world congratulated them as they can finally soon enough begin their new lives together as a happy family along with their two-year-old daughter, Wednesday.


2 Years laters...

"Tom? Andrew? Charlotte? I'm home!" Emma called in around the house as she was finally back after having a one-hour shoot from Vogue's magazine.

"Mummy!" Charlotte runningly squealed as she jumps into her mother's arms, greeting her with an affectionate kiss on the lips. 

Emma giggled as she kisses back her little princess affectionately in the cheeks. "Oh Sweetheart," She said very dearly in her arms just as then Willow came around the corner. "Oh, hello Willow!" Caressing her head nicely before going back to her daughter.

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