Chapter 14: Were... Having A Child?

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It was 7:34  pm, Tom was now packing up his stuff from his luggage as he was finally able to finished his work earlier in the afternoon and now he was getting excited to fly back to L.A, to see the love of his life, he was just packing up the last of his clothes as he finally zipped and locked his luggage, he grab the small black velvet box from the dresser beside the bed and put it safely to his pocket, he checked everything around the room to see if anything was left, finally he was ready to go.

Tom finally leave the room and made his way towards the elevator, he pressed the ground floor as the doors slid closed, he waited for about 30 to 40 secs and finally the door opened. he made his way towards the front desk and returned the key-card as he walk his way out to the hotel, he called a cab and he was now on his way towards the Vancouver International Airport. 

Minutes later, Tom finally arrived as the cab stopped at the entrance, Tom paid the driver as he finally hopped off from the cab with his luggage and made his way towards the VIP lounge as he waited for his flight to Los Angeles.

Minutes later, his flight was ready, Tom stood up and grabbed his luggage and made his way towards the security checkpoint, he put his luggage into the X-ray baggage scanner as he slowly entered and passed the metal detector, soon it was a go, He grabbed his luggage from the conveyor belt and finally made his way towards the entry lane tunnel towards the plane.

Tom finally entered and find a comfortable sit near the middle, he placed his luggage from the overhead bin as he relaxed himself for a minute or two as passengers passed to take their sits, he sighed and decided to message Emma too let her know he's coming home, Tom grab his phone from his pocket and texted her.


Emma was just going to bed when suddenly her phone pop a message, she grabbed her phone from the dresser to check it who it was, It was Tom, she clicked the message and read it.

Tom: I'm going home already Love, see you later QUACK x.

Emma's eyes widened in shock. 'How Am I going to tell  you about this?' she told herself as she touched her belly and thought her child growing inside her. Emma took deep breath and smiled as she replied back.

Emma: I'll be waiting for you, QUACK x.

She felt nervous, how will she going to break this ice on Tom, she sighed and comforted herself
as she looked at the door and Willow was looking at her, Emma smiled as she called Willow.

"Willow come here." she softly smiled.

Willow walked and jumped in and laid beside her lap as she petted her back.

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