Chapter 13: You Have To Tell Him

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Emma was resting her head at the window as She and Kelly were driving their way down towards to her photoshoot, her mind was floating about yesterday's problem

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Emma was resting her head at the window as She and Kelly were driving their way down towards to her photoshoot, her mind was floating about yesterday's problem. she couldn't even think straight, she touched her belly feeling the child inside of her as she slowly glance down, she rubbed her belly slowly and gently and hoped Kelly wouldn't notice something fishy. Emma closed her eyes as her mind flashed about what she had discussed about yesterday's conversation with Dan and Bonnie.


Dan was comforting her at the living room as she held her pregnancy kit from her hand, she couldn't stop sobbing, she couldn't believe it, she was having baby and she already knows Tom is the father of her child, her eyes were bloodshot from her tears as her face were tend to red and puffy from her crying, she couldn't control her emotions.

"Shhhh, Em, relaxed everything will be fine." Dan whispered as he hugged her tightly.

Emma sniffed and swiped her nose with the back of her hand. "How can I do this Dan, what will Tom think about this?" She cried.

Dan gave her a reassuring smile. "You just have to keep strong for it, accept it Em, can't you see? this baby is gift for you both and you should be happy with it." he explained.

"But how? What if he gets mad at me and truly not accept that its his baby?" She sob, as she wiped her tears again with the back of her hand.

"Tom is not heartless Emma, He loves you within his heart and soul." explained once more.

Emma glance at Dan. "How will you know?" She asked as her eyes were still bloodshot with tears.

"Because he said 'You're the one' from his life, I know you truly love him too Em, because I'm not stupid." He answered sarcastically.

Emma smiled weakly as she wiped her tears away. "I hope you're right Dan..." as she glance at her belly as she touched it softly.

Minutes later the doorbell rang.

"Stay here" Dan commanded as he made his way towards the front door.

He opened the door and Bonnie showed up. "Bon..." he said blankly, he glance the surroundings and immediately grab her arm. "Come in quickly"

Bonnie immediately entered as Dan immediately shut the door behind. She glance to her left and saw Emma, She looked at Bonnie with her red puffy face while she was still sobbing.

Bonnie immediately approached her. "Emma, what happened?" She asked worriedly.

Emma just cried as she wiped her teary eyes with the back of her hands as she held the pregnancy kit on her other hand.

Bonnie looked down and she dropped jaw, She covered her mouth as she took the pregnancy kit from her hand and it was positive, She look up and hug Emma tightly.

"Everything is going will be fine Em," She said.

 Emma closed her eyes as she cried more.

"Does Tom know about this?" She asked.

Emma just shook her head as she sniffed harder.

Bonnie turned around as she glance at Dan, "Bring me a towel Dan, please"

Dan immediately nodded as Willow followed him towards the bedroom and grabbed a towel from the dresser and went straight back to the living room. "Here." He handed over.

Bonnie took the towel wiped Emma's tears. "Everythings going to be fine Em,"

"I don't know if i should be happy or not, Bon.  Am I ready for this, Bon?" She looked down as she sniffed while touching her belly.

Bonnie held her hands. "You are Em," She paused. "You and Tom are now in your 30s and I truly believe you two will become wonderful parents one day, Think about it, this baby will change your both lives together."

"But how Bon, how?" She frowned worriedly.

Bonnie smiled weakly and wiped her tears. "You don't have to worry Em, Me and the entire gang will really support you both, we love you both as a family, just take a few small steps and embrace yourself of becoming a mother. Accept this and embrace it with your all your heart. You should be proud of that, you know..."

"Thank you," She smiled weakly as another tear slid down from her cheek as she hugged Bonnie.

Bonnie smiled. "You're welcome"

Emma closed her eyes and smiled weakly as they both let go.

"So... When will you tell Tom about your having a baby?" Dan asked.

Emma frowned as she tried to think about it. "I don't know yet Dan, I'm still thinking about it."

Bonnie smiled as she sat beside her. "Take your time Em, don't hide this from Tom, You have to tell him."

"But-" Emma tried to talk, but was cut off by Bonnie

"No buts Em, you cant hide this from him, he deserves to know," She said while looking her in the eyes.

Emma sighed and frowned while looking at her belly.


"Hey Em, are you even listening to me?" Kelly asked while shaking her arm off.

Emma eventually snapped herself as she turned around and looked at Kelly. "Sorry I was just distracted."

"Distracted of what?" She questioned.

Emma just sighed and put aside on what she thinking earlier. "Nothing. Nothing just forget what i just said."

Kelly looked at her in a confused looked. "Are you okay Em?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" She laughed nervously and smiled.

Kelly looked at Emma in confused.

'Was she hiding something from me'she thought, but she slipped it away immediately. "Okay..."

"What do you wanna talk about?" Emma asked, changing the subject.

Kelly chuckled lightly "Were here already come on lets go, their waiting for us."

Emma smiled as Kelly helped her out with her stuffs both as they hopped out and made their way towards the beautiful looking modern house where her photoshoot for VOGUE will be held at.


Tom was having great day, he already finished his work for today's day as he made his way back towards the hotel.
Minutes later he was now at his hotel, he entered the elevator and few seconds later the elevator finally opened as he walked towards his room, he grabbed his key card and unlocked the door as he immediately put the bag near the dresser as he made his way towards the bed.

He laid down as he stared at the ceiling while smiling, he grab something out from his pocket and it was small black box, he opened it as he smiled at the beautiful 2 promise rings he bought earlier, he grab the silver ring and wore it as he smiled and read the engraved sign 'His always'. He then chuckled as he picked up the black ring which is meant for Emma that has engraved sign 'Her Forever'

Tom couldn't wait any longer, just few more days left and he'll be back at L.A at no time, he can't wait to see her again and give her hugs and kisses they've always wanted, he couldn't even wait to give this ring to her, to symbolize their LOVE and FEELINGS for each other, he always made his promises for her and he never lets himself down for her because she loves her within most his heart and soul.

Tom closed his eyes as he embraced her ring in his chest as he dreamed her.
He couldn't wait once this was finished.

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