Prince Charming

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Author's P.O.V.

"Y/N!!", her friend shouted her name as she entered the hallways of her school.

Y/N gave her signature sweet smile to Mina who came and gave Y/N a short hug.

"Why? Missed me so much?", Y/N said chuckling.

"Yesss I missed you soo much because lige is too boring without teasing you.", Mina said wiggling her eyebrows again starting her teasing.

"Yeah and it becomes more boring because of you.", Y/N rolled her eyes and went pass Mina who was whining at Y/N mean comment.

As Y/N was walking many students greeted her since she is know as schools sweetheart because of her kind and caring nature but...

Also know as "Red Moon" because of her admirer Choi Beomgyu the future heir of the throne of the Choi Empire; the most scared Mafia Empire.

The most coldest person in the School has a crush on the sweetheart of the school, isn't is amazing?

They're the talk of the school.

Well you would think that if Beomgyu is in love with Y/N and everyone knows about it then wouldn't it be risk for Y/N's life.

As soon as she entered the class and went towards her desk which was not to at the behind.

She as usual found a bouquet of white Lily's on her desk with a carton of chocolate milkshake beside it, which brought a beautiful smile on Y/N's lips.

"Ohhhh your Prince charming brought his usual gifts of love.", Mina teased Y/N while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Shut up... don't start again.", Y/N said blushing.

Just then the bell rang making everyone seat on their seats.

And the person Y/N wanted to see came inside the class Choi Beomgyu, walking to his seat after giving Y/N a small like a really small smile.

The classes went as usual with Beomgyu staring at Y/N and Y/N concentrating on her studies.

To be continued......

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