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It was lunch time Y/N and Mina were walking towards the cafeteria.

When someone stopped them from going ahead.

"Hii", the guy said to Y/N with a smirk plastered on his face.

While Y/N's face reflected confusion.

"What- Are you perhaps new here?", Mina asked the guy.

"Yeah I just transferred today. Btw names Jung Jihoon. And yours Beautiful?", He asked looking at Y/N.

"Do you f**king know who the hell you are talking to? You wanna die?!", Mina said.

"Yeah. I clearly heard about her, school's sweetheart and Choi Beomgyu's crush.", Jihoon said.

"If you heard about me then you should probably not interact with me, don't you think so?", Y/N finally spoke.

"Do I think so....No. Well you are really attractive, and I know we'll make a great couple.", he said cockily with that dirty smirk plastered on his face.

"You sure wanna lose your life dude.... Stop this sh*t.", Mina said gritting her teeth.

"Y/N let's go we shouldn't interact with scum bags like him.", Mina said to Y/N, while glaring at  Jihoon.

"Ohhh... So name's Y/N. Y/N. Wow a perfect name for a sexy girl. Even it rolls of my tongue so smoothly."

Jihoon said winking at Y/N, at this point he was flirting shamelessly making Y/N uncomfortable and Mina disgusted.

"You know what.... I wanna throw you in a dustbin. Right! A trash like you deserves to be in a dustbin only, I don't know why you're still here.", Mina said glaring at Jihoon.

"Missy don't interfere in my business. Keep yourself out of it or the consequence will be not good.", Jihoon said to Mina in a warning tone.

"Can you please leave us alone?", Y/N said being fed up with him.

"I won't till you be mine.", Jihoon said.

"Move.", Y/N said with a sigh escaping her lips.

Jihoon was going to retort when someone interfered.

To be continued.......

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