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Author's P.O.V.

It was currently 8:00 p.m. and Y/N and Beomgyu were walking side by side, having a conversation about their likes and dislikes.

Well Y/N convinced Beomgyu with her puppy eyes to walk home not to take a car.

He agreed but still two bodyguards are following them closely.

"So.... You have a little sister?", Y/N asked.

"Yeah she's just 2 year's younger than me.", Beomgyu replied her.

"I thought you only had two brother's.", Y/N said nodded her head.

"You're Comfortable with me.", Beomgyu said giving her a smile.

"Well just, I know you're not a bad person. You just act like one.", Y/N said while looking in his eyes.

"Act like one?", Beomgyu questioned being confused of her words.

"Yeah. I saw you at the orphanage that day and I even heard from the owner that you visit there every year on your Mother's birthday.", Y/N smiled and continued.

"And now just few minutes ago when you talked about your sister and you Mother, you didn't felt like a bad guy your voice was calm and moreover your eyes twinkled. You're not at all heartless like others think."

She said each and every word with a beautiful smile plastered on her face.

"And you're the first and the most purest person I've ever made.", Beomgyu said with a big smile.

"Oh! Your smile is so pretty! You always look like you're going to kill someone, you should smile more often!", Y/N said with a pout, which made Beomgyu chuckle at her cuteness.

"Your Mom must be proud of me now. I made you laugh after a long time.", Y/N smiled at him.

Yeah he told her just now how brutally his Mom was killed in front of his eyes and Y/N was trying to lift his mood up.

"How do you know that, Y/N-shi?, Beomgyu asked with a playful and beautiful smirk.

"I didn't know you had this side too.", Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Well see there!", Y/N said pointing at the sky.

"What?", Beomgyu asked looking at the sky.

"The star that's twinkling the most, it told me that your Mom's proud of me.", Y/N smiled proudly whereas Beomgyu's heart melted more seeing her innocence.

At one point he too thinks that he doesn't deserves an Angel like her but at the same time he knows he can protect her.

They continued to have a conversation till Y/N's apartment came in sight.

"So I'll get going now.... Umm See you tomorrow. Good night.", Y/N said while waving her hand.

"Good night. Sleep well.", Beomgyu said giving her a sweet smile.

Y/N turned around to leave but suddenly she turned again to face Beomgyu and gave him a peck on his cheek and ran away.

Leaving a blushing Beomgyu behind.

"That girl is doing many things to me.", he said trying to hide his smile.

But Oh how he failed to do so.

He was Soft for her.

To be continued.....✨

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