Sweet love

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"Unnie... Oppa killed Mr. Choi for a reason. Don't be mad at him, hmm? He is not a bad guy, you know that? You'll talk to him, right?", Yewon said with a pout. "Yeah..."

•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•5 years later•°•°•°•°•°•°•°

Author's P.O.V.

"Babe are you ready?", Beomgyu knocked on the door.

Just then the door opened revealing his Fiancee.

In a beautiful floral dress, with her hair slightly curled, with a light makeup on...

Just looking ethereal as usual.

Her presence never failed to make his heart skip a beat.

"You're looking so beautiful, my Princess."

He complemented her and left a peck on her lips.

"Thank you, my Prince.", Y/N giggled slightly blushing.

"Let's go.", Beomgyu smiled and took Y/N's hand in his before exiting the Mansion.

Him being a gentle man opened the car door for Y/N to sit and went to his side of the car, to head off to their destination.

"Are you going on a mission tomorrow?", Y/N asked as Beomgyu started to drive the car.

"No. Taehyun said he'll handle it alone. So you're taking a day off, aren't you Princess?", Beomgyu said trying to make her take a day off.

"Who said that? I'm not taking a day off, Mister."

Y/N said rolling her eyes.

"Princess doesn't wants to spend her time with her handsome Husband, mmh?", he said it in a pout.

Making Y/N scoff in disbelief.

"You sure have your ways. Fine I'll take a day off... And what do you mean by husband we aren't married YET...", now it was her time to pout.

"Aww. But anyhow I'm going to be your husband, baby. You're stuck with me for the rest of your life, Princess."

He gave her a sweet smile.

"Whatever..... You should focus on driving.", Y/N said trying to not get teased by Beomgyu.

But to her dismay as expected he started teasing her.

"Aww~ is my baby sulking now~"

And the rest of ride was filled with Beomgyu's cute and sweet teasing.

Who would've thought that a Cold hearted Mafia leader would be turning into a sweetheart and a dork around a girl.

Y/N was also baffled discovering this side of him.

Although it was hard for her to get over that brutal incident, she talked to Beomgyu and cleared everything.

And after accepting him in her life she only encountered happiness and love.

He made her feel special, as if she's the only person who matters.

To be continued.......

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