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Author's P. O. V.

Beomgyu came towards Y/N and untied her, while she had her eyes on him wanting to ask him questions....

Maybe Beomgyu noticed her questionable stare.

"I'll answer your questions when we reach a safe place, okay?", Beomgyu tried to convince her to come with him.

Because he knows if some ordinary person saw someone kill their father in front of them it'll be hard to recover from that trauma.

And moreover here we're talking about Y/N who's more innocent and kind than an Angel.

Who couldn't even hate her parents who abandoned her.

Wouldn't she think that he's too cruel to kill his father?

But Y/N nodded at his statement which left him baffled.

"R-really? You're not afraid of me, Princess?", he doubted her nod as a fearful one.

But when I said Y/N is more kinder than an Angel, she is even more Mature.

"Yeah.... The time I spent with you maybe is not enough to know you but I can't even judge you....

Morover everyone deserves a second chance."

Y/N said with a blank expression showing how much the incident had effected her.

The girl who used to smile through every hard situation had lost her smile only traces of her tears were seen on her face.

Nor she was crying nor she was smiling nor she was showing any expression.

She sure was effected by the situation to the core.

Taehyun too saw the drastic change in her behaviour, which he pitied....

The world she was living in was much more innocent than the world she is brought too.

A flower like her doesn't belong here.

Beomgyu took her hand and started going from the route he came from.

The ride back to Beomgyu's Mansion was silent.

Yeonjun too was following them behind with his car.

And as Mr. Choi died the heir, who is Beomgyu, is already indirectly declared as the Mafia Boss to the empire.

So it was not that hard to deal with the rest of the gang members.

As soon as they reached the Mansion Beomgyu told his sister, Yewon to take Y/N to the guest room.

As she might not want to see him or deal with him after the things happened with her because of him.

He can't help but blame himself.

Wasn't Y/N his responsibility?

He should have protected her.

"I'll be going now. Make sure to talk to her once she's back to normal.", Taehyun said with a assuring smile and went out the mansion.

While Beomgyu went to his room.

He can't help but remember all the sweet moments they shared together.

The pretty smile of hers which never lost a chance to make butterflies erupt in his stomach.

Her cute giggles, her innocence which had him head over heels for her.

But the question is, will he ever be able to see her beautiful smile?

The smile which wasn't on her face after the incident.

Will she see him the way she used to?

Hell will she be comfortable with him or is she going to be scared of him like everyone else is?

Can they go back to how they were or will everthing be ruined?

Worry was eating him up.

What if his Princess refuses to be around him?

But can he blame her?

He can't because he's the reason why that happened to her.

He thinks like that.

But if he didn't loved her, wouldn't she end up in the same situation because of her father.

Wasn't that her destiny?

To be continued.....

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