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Y/N's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes cause of the bright sunlight that was coming from a small window right on my eyes, irritating me.

I found myself tied on a chair.

'What? Why.... Am I here..?'

I was confused at this moment when I remembered what happened during the blackout.

"H-HELP!! Is someone here?!", I tried to free myself but it hurt more to do that.

"Oh are you awake Park Y/N.", Someone came inside from the door.

I widened my eyes when I recognised who the person is.

"M-Mr. C-choi..?", he just smirked at me.

"Well you're awake at the right time, someone will come to meet you.", mr. Choi said.

Just then his phone rang, he picked it up while putting it on speaker.

"Hello?", Mr choi said on the line.

"You B**tard! I'm here! Tell me where my daughter is!!", The other person on the call said furiously but his voice seemed awfully familiar to me.

"Someone will come to fetch you now come with him.", with that said Mr. Choi ended the call.

After few minutes the door again swung open.

"WHERE THE HELL IS MY DAUGHTER?!"I widened my eyes seeing my Father who abandoned me, standing in front of me.

"What in the world is she doing here?!", Mr. Park asked noticing my presence.

While I was in utter shock to even process anything.

"What do you mean she's your Daughter?!", Mr. Choi said rolling his eyes, finding Mr. Park's behaviour weird.

"No! I mean yes... But she wasn't the one I came here for! Where's Lia!?", Mr. Park said.

'That hurts... What were you even thinking stupid Y/N.. Why would he come to save someone who he himself abandoned.. I'm not even surprised that he has another daughter. But then why am I crying... Why does it always happens to me?!'

Author's P.O.V.

Mr. Choi got confused at Mr. Park's words where else Y/N was crying.

Although she hated her parents, she cant help but to feel hurt at this moment.

She might've had a little bit hope that her parents would miss her like she does.

But sometimes life is too cruel to good people.

"What do you mean? Isn't she your daughter?", Mr. Choi asked.

"Yes she is! But not anymore! She is too kind to be in this world she can't even fight anyone! We don't want any weaklings in our family! So we abandoned her.", Mr Park said, which left  invisible daggers on Y/N's heart.

"Whatever! Even though she isn't your daughter I'm gonna kill her anyway... She is coming in my Son's way! And because of her you're here now then... Bye~ you betrayer."

Just then he fired his gun which he was holding all this time behind his back.

While Y/N screamed at the now dead body of Mr. Park who was shoot right in the middle of his head by Mr. Choi.

She was left in a utter shock.

F**k she couldn't even comprehend what was happening in front of her.

Her innocent eyes just witnessed someone dying and that too her father, whom she hoped will come one day and take her in his embrace.

"Now, now little girl, didn't I tell you to enjoy your life, did you enjoyed it, hmm?", He smiled like a maniac.

Y/N was crying while tears were streaming down her eyes like there's no tomorrow.

"Oh no, Juliet is afraid. What to do? Your Romeo ain't coming to save you! I didn't left any trace for him to do so... How sad? Only if he didn't  loved you, I would've freed you. But your bad luck! You're destined to die in my hands! Just like your stupid Father!"

He laughed loudly like it was what he had been waiting to accomplish.

He pulled the trigger and pointed the gun at Y/N.....

To be continued.....

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