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Author's P.O.V.

As soon as he reached home his sister came running towards him and Hugged him.

He too hugged her back.

But she gasped as soon as Beomgyu placed his one hand on her head while his fingers touched her neck giving a hella hot temperature.

She broke the hug and placed her palm on his forehead.

"Oppa! You're burning hot!", she gasped.

"No way- don't tell me you were out in the cold rain yesterday night!"

His sister, Yewon, scolded him.

"Yewon don't worry I'll be okay."

Beomgyu reassured her but his weak voice didn't matched with the reassurance.

"No! I ain't listening to you! Go in your room and rest!", Yewon said.

"But I need to go to school and-", Beomgyu couldn't continue his sentence as Yewon beat him to it.

"About Y/N unnie, tell Taehyun oppa to take take care of her and YOU! are strictly going to rest today! And that's it no more questions or answers.", Yewon said.

"Okay my Mom. I'll listen to you.", Beomgyu said smiling at his sister.

And yeah she knew about Y/N as he can't stop blabbering about Y/N, to his precious sister that how beautiful Y/N kind Y/N is... And more to add.

Nor did Yewon complained about it, as after the death of their Mother it was her first time to see Beomgyu talking with a big smile about someone.

"Go upstairs I'll give you medicines and then prepare you Breakfast-", Yewon was cut offed by Beomgyu.

"No no. Just give me medicines no need to give me breakfast cause you've to go to school and study hard. So just give me medicines.", Beomgyu said walking away.

"But oppa!", Yewon was ready to start her whining when Beomgyu said.

"I agreed to one of your condition of not going to school , so now you'll listen to my one condition. Now shoo and go get ready for school. Hurry up."

With that said he  went into his room.

As soon as he entered his room he called Taehyun.

"Hello?", he said to the other line.

"Listen Taehyun today I ain't coming to school take care of Y/N. And make sure she is safe. If my Father's people are around her immediately call me, okay?", Beomgyu said to Taehyun.

As soon as he heard Taehyun's "Got it"

He hung up the call not bothering to listen anything else.

He then called some of his trusted men in the gang who were spying on Y/N more like being her personal body guards without her knowing and told them to stay alert from now on whenever Y/N is alone.

He was sure to keep her safe cause a part inside him knew a storm was coming towards her. 

To be continued.....

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