It's Love

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Author's P.O.V.

Currently they both were walking in the park that was at a little distance from the Graveyard, hand in hand, while admiring the beautiful weather.

"You know Princess?", Beomgyu asked, while Y/N hummed at his question looking at him with her doe eyes.

"You're cute..", He said with a playful grin.

"Thank you.", Y/N smiled at him cutely.

"So now can I ask you something?", Beomgyu asked.

"should've know it, what?", Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Can we make a baby?", Beomgyu said smirking.

While Y/N choked on her own saliva.

"Yah! you've lost your mind since past few days, haven't you?! PERVERT!", Y/N said being flustered.

"You're no fun Princess, you should've played along with me!", Beomgyu scoffed.

"Really? And then your friend will be awake?", Y/N asked with innocent eyes.

"I..... Whatever!", Beomgyu said being defeated.

"I want ice-cream.", Y/N blurted out seeing the ice-cream shop.

"Then let's go~", Beomgyu dragged her to the ice-cream shop.

"Which one princess?", Beomgyu asked with a poker face as he doesn't acts all smiley in the public.

"Chocolate!", Y/N was excited like a kid.

After ordering the ice-cream they went to sit on the bench outside the shop.

"Why didn't you brought an ice cream for you?", Y/N said putting a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

"I wanted to stare at my beautiful wife.", Beomgyu said grinning.

"Too bad you aren't married, so you don't have a wife.", Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Oh, but I know who I'm going to marry.", Beomgyu said being all cocky.

While Y/N just tsked at him.

"But... Babe?", he rested his elbows on the table and kept his face in between his palms.

"Yeah.?", Y/N asked.

"I want five kids."

And with that said by Beomgyu, Y/N spat the ice cream which was in her mouth.

"What?!", Y/N screamed wide eyes.

"Princess it was a joke... You took it too seriously that you spat on my face... How can you?", Beomgyu said wiping his face with his hand.

"S-sorry..... It was all you fault! Look here!", Y/N said taking tissues and wiping his face.

While Beomgyu just admired her beauty.

"Done, Now stop staring.", Y/N chuckled at Beomgyu's flushed face.

"You know what.... Everyday I'm convinced that I can't possibly love you more than today.... And every day I'm proven wrong, you're too irresistible.", Y/N said with a cute smile on her face while holding Beomgyu's hand in hers.

Beomgyu started blushing at her words.

"I should be the one saying such stuff but Since you already said that let me kiss you.", and soon there lips attached to each other sharing a loving kiss.

No tension included just their love for each other.

"I love you.", Beomgyu said smiling at her while caressing her cheek.

"I love you too.", Y/N said smiling cheekily.

After being lovey dovey they were back in the car.

"Princess let's go on a long drive, since we haven't done it in a while."

Beomgyu said wanting to enjoy rest of the night with her.

"Yeah let's go, we've not gone on a long drive since Months~", Y/N said liking the idea.

The rest of ride was filled with them enjoying the drive, while jamming to various songs and singing their hearts out, totally forgetting about the world cause right now what mattered the most is them and their love for each other.

A normal yet romantic time spend with each other.

Their last destination is the beach.

The moon was up in the sky shining it's beautiful light with stars twinkling brightly.

They were sitting on the sand in each others embrace admiring the moon and the warmth of their love.

Right at that moment Y/N spotted a shooting star.

"A shooting star!", she clasped her hands together and closed her eyes to make a wish.

Beomgyu didn't believed in this but he made a promise to himself.

Y/N opened her eyes.

And Beomgyu asked her.

"What did you wished for?", while she just chuckled.

"Idiot; if I tell you it won't fulfill.", Beomgyu just shrugged and took her in his embrace.

'Whatever happens in the future is not going to change the fact that I always loved you, I love you today and I will love you until my last breath.'

'I will spend an eternity loving you, caring for you, respecting you, showing you everyday that I hold you  as high as the stars.'
If two hearts are meant to be together, no matter how long it takes, how far they go, how tough it seems, fate will bring them together to share their love forever.........✨

---THE END---

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed the story💜

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