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Author's P.O.V.

"Next Day"

Y/N was still unconscious and was tied up on a chair with ropes around her.

She was kept in the basement of a old building with Mr. Choi's Men guarding it.

On the other hand, Beomgyu was standing outside Y/N's apartment for past 15 minutes.

Trying to connect his call 6th time now but she wasn't picking it up.

He then decided to go upstairs and check on her.

As he reached her there, the door of her apartment was slightly open which brought an unknown rush of fear in Beomgyu's heart.

"Y/N? Y/N?", he checked her whole apartment.

"Y/N!", he shouted hoping for a reply from her but to got greeted by silence.

His heart was hoping for her to pop out of somewhere and assure him that she is fine.

With a little hope in his heart he went to check  her balcony, but his hopes crushed seeing no one just birds chirping.

"Y/N...", her name came out of his lips in a longing whisper.

Then the reality hit him like a truck, Y/N is missing.

She is F**king missing.

How the hell someone took her when there was a security there, especially for her.

"F**k F**k!! Taehyun pick it up!!", he was currently calling Taehyun while panicking as his love was missing.

How the hell he didn't protect, didn't he promised her?

"Wassup-", Taehyun didn't even finished his sentence.

"Taehyun Y/N is F**king missing!! Hurry up and call Yeonjun! Even her phone is here!! Search for something in the areas CCTV footage I'll check the buildings CCTV!! And find out where the hell are the bodygaurds I kept for Y/N."

Beomgyu said and hung up at the same time the lift he was riding reached the designated floor and he stormed into the CCTV room.

Seeing the Mafia's son and the owner of the building enter the guy immediately bowed to him.

"Show me the footage of Yesterday night after Y/N entered the building!", Beomgyu ordered taking a seat on the empty seat beside the guy.

The guy was showing the footage in 2x speed.

"What about the footage after midnight?!", Beomgyu asked loosing his temper.

"S-sir th-there was a b-blackout in the midnight for 20 m-mins.", The guy said stuttering, afraid of the person in front of him.

"Ah F**k!!!", Beomgyu was about to take out his gun and shoot the guy, but thankfully he received a call from Taehyun.

He looked at his phone and then left from there to his car.

"Did you found something?", Beomgyu asked picking the call.

"No. But Yeonjun hyung said to meet at your mansion.", Taehyun said as Beomgyu hanged up the call and drived in a crazy speed to his house.

Now his only aim is to see his Princess safe and fine in front him right now.

Even if he has to die for her he'll die too.

He didn't even bothered to park his car and just stormed to the main door and entered the mansion.

"Hyung why did you called me here?! We need to find Y/N!! Lord knows how she is??! Where she is?! Is she hurt or not?!! We shouldn't be wasting our time!!"

He said wanting his Y/N desperately.

To be continued........

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