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Author's P.O.V.

They reached Beomgyu's house, Taehyun had some work so he went after taking Y/N inside the house and telling her where Beomgyu's room is.

Right now Y/N is contemplating whether she should knock  on the door or just enter.

Finally she knocks but nothing us heard from the other side.

Then she tries again three to four times after getting no response she enters inside to see Beomgyu snuggled up in blanket while shivering.

"Beomgyu...?",  she shook him slightly but got no response only muffled whispers.

As soon as Y/N kept her palm on his forehead her mouth gaped.

His  temperature was very hot.

She ran downstairs clearly knowing that she was alone in the Mansion along with Beomgyu.

As the guard had informed Taehyun about the sudden holiday of the maids.

She got water in a bowl and added ice cubes in that water.

And she was searching for towel or something in the kitchen.

As if the bulb had lighted up in her mind, she went upstairs along with the bowl and went into bathroom for finding a towel.

"Found it.", Y/N said as soon as her eyes landed on the bunch of towels arranged in a cupboard.

She went towards Beomgyu and kept the soaked towel on his forehead.

She repeated the actions till his temperature was a little cooled down.

Then she went downstairs to cook porridge for Beomgyu.

Y/N been living alone knew how to cook and what to do in such situations.

Even though she was raised without parents she was an literal angle with Manners a person learns in his or her childhood.

"Aaaaand finally~ Done!", Y/N said as she placed the porridge in the bowl.

But got startled hearing someone's loud voice.

"Who are you?!", Yewon asked being freaked out.

But calmed after getting a look on Y/N's face.

"Oh. Y/N unnie. I was scared for nothing.", Yewon gave a relieved sigh.

"You know me?", Y/N asked being confused at the younger's behaviour.

"Oh sorry... Forgot to introduce myself. I'm Choi Yewon. I think you know me, now.", Yewon said smiling at Y/N.

"Ah Beomgyu's sister. Yewon.", Y/N said after remembering her name from last night.

"Good that he talks about me. And you'll ask how I know you... Well Oppa always talks about you. Like always means always. I think you're on his mind 24/7.", Yewon said nodding her head.

"Really.."  Y/N couldn't form a sentence as she was busy blushing.

"But why are you here? Oh! Right oppa is sick! You must be here to take care of him right?! Oh go on, go on I won't disturb you both.", Yewon siad answering her own questions, while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Don't tease me..", Y/N said pouting.

On which Yewon just chuckled.

"Wait!", Yewon shouted out of nowhere and went upstairs running.

"What??", leaving Y/N confused at her behaviour.

As Y/N was going to take the porridge upstairs Yewon came running downstairs.

"Since...", she started panting.

"Yewon-ah breath first.", Y/N said.

"Okay. Since we met for the first time, I want to give you a small gift. Give me your hand.", Yewon said.

"Hmm? You don't have to-", Yewon cutted her off.

"Give me your hand!", At that said Y/N raised her hand with her palm open.

On which Yewon tied a simple but pretty silver bracelet.

"Wow It's pretty.", Y/N cooed.

"I'm glad you liked it! Now I'll be in my room and if you want anything just call me.", Yewon said.

"Okay.", Y/N replied and Yewon dashed towards her room.

While Y/N chuckled at her adorable behaviour.

And went upstairs towards Beomgyu's room.

To be continued.....

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