The Teenage Assassin Chapter 2

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Hey there guys!!!!!!

Here is the next chapter, hope you enjoy!

Please comment/vote to let me know what you think. Much appreciated!!!!

Thanks guys!
i love you all sooo much!! :)


Chapter 2 –

      I knocked on the door twice of my boss and walked in and stopped dead in my tracks. There, stood beside my boss was Dean. Dean was an old friend who I used to work with and had gotten with. It didn’t work out when he became a controlling ass and wanted to know everything I did. It got so bad that I got distracted in a fight and got stabbed, after that I dumped him and said that I never wanted to see him again. He clearly did not know what the words meant as he was standing right there. I forgot that I was standing in front of my boss, I glared at Dean.

“What are you doing here? I thought I told you that I didn’t want to see you again jerk.” I growled. He smirked, and walked so that he was closer to me.

“Well that’s very nice Alex. I thought you would have forgiven me.” He grinned and I had a hard time controlling my anger.

“Why would I forgive when it was your fault that I got stabbed? Take one more step towards me and it will be the last thing you do.” He stopped getting closer but I could tell that he was testing to see how far I would go. What he didn’t realize was that I meant what I said. He took a step foreword and I smiled and evil grin and lunged at him. He flipped me over his shoulder and I landed on the desk, I groaned in pain but got back up and faced him.

“Someone has gotten confident.” He commented and I spat at him.

“Being single does that to you.” I went at him again and caught him tackling him. He lost balance and we went flying into the bookcase knocking books on us. He rolled over and pinned me down.

“Ready to give up yet?” I smiled and kicked him the stomach causing him to roll off me; I got up and faced him once again.

“Never.” I retorted. He went for me this time and I dodged and he went through the glass door. I burst out laughing and I laughed so hard that I didn’t see him come at me. We both went flying and crashed through the window into the lobby. I lay on back in the glass and was sure that I got cuts all over my back. He laughed as I lay there.

“Who’s laughing now bitch!” I leaned up and kicked him in the manly parts, he doubled over and got up and pulled out my gun. I was then surrounded by the security guards with guns drawn. If I shot him, they would shoot me soon after. I looked up and then noticed my boss fuming beside the broken window. I was toast! I put my gun away and the guards relaxed putting theirs away too.

“ALEX! DEAN! GET IN HERE NOW!” Sam shouted (my boss) uh oh. I walked past Dean and punched him hard in the face with my bloody knuckles. He fell onto his back. What a baby. I walked back into the office (what was left of it) and stood in front of Sam. He was furious! I was so toast!

“What the hell was that?!” He yelled. I flinched at the tone of his voice. He never shouted like that at anyone.

“Err…I don’t know sir, Dean just got to me that’s all. I hate his guts!” I said eyeballing Dean who was coming through the broken window.

“I don’t care if you hate Chinese! You don’t crash through my window like that!” He was going purple in the face which I thought was pretty awesome.

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