the Teenage Assassin Chapter 15

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hey there guys!!!!!!!!!!!!

here is the next chapter and hopes you like it as it is going to get really interesting.


And please fan!!!!


Chapter 15 -

I awoke to an off white ceiling. My immediate thought was 'am I dead?' but I knew that couldn't be true as I heard the familiar voices of Harry, Rich and Lisa worrying about something.

"Do you think she's gonna be okay?" Lisa said worriedly and I could hear a soft patting so someone was obviously comforting her, which was good.

"I don't know. I hope so, but he hit her pretty hard." It was Hurry's turn to sound worried. He was acting like a girl.

"I think that she will be fine, she is a hard nut." Rich said and I could almost imagine him smiling. I must have smiled as I heard movement of chairs coming closer to me.

"I think she's coming round." Lisa said a little more calmly and I then opened my eyes. I then fully realized that I felt as if I had been run over by a train. I turned and met the eyes of Harry, Rich and Lisa who were staring at me intently.

"What?" I asked wondering if there was something on my face which would embarrass me.

"We were just wondering how you were feeling honey." Lisa said softly and swept my fringe from my eyes. I grimaced.

"I feel as if I have been run down by a train." I moaned and Harry and Rich looked sad.

"What?" I demanded.

"Don't you remember what happened?" Rich said not looking at me. I thought about it and winced. That was something I didn't want to remember. I had failed horribly.

"Yeah I do." I mumbled not looking at any of them as I sat up. They were about to push me back down, but I jumped off the bed.

"I'm fine." I said shrugging. I was about to open the door to leave when Rich caught my wrist. I looked up at him.

"It's okay ya know. We all make mistakes." He said rubbing my shoulder and I shrugged it off.

"I don't make mistakes Rich and everyone knows that. Now people are gonna think that they can walk all over me and they will know that I got beat by my own instructor." I grumbled and pulled away and walked out of the clinic. The nurse at the reception got up at my approach.

"You should be resting." He said firmly and I just looked at her and shrugged.

"I'm fine now." Before she argue any further I left the room and headed towards home. As soon as I was home I raced upstairs to my room and locked the door knowing that Harry and Rich were gonna be home soon and want some answers from me. I went over to my closet and pulled out a big carry on bag and started to fill it with my clothes. I then packed up my weapons and finally a picture of us all when I first moved in. I would want to remember them. I smiled sadly at the picture before putting in my bag and let a single tear fall. I then heard banging on my door which made me jump.

"Alex? Alex! Let us in." Lisa said softly and I just shook my head even though I knew that they couldn't see it. I finished packing and grabbed a pen and paper from my desk and wrote a note telling them that I was sorry for leaving but I didn't want to be weak and fail and get myself killed. I felt horrid and left it on the bed and went to my window and opened it up and dropped my bag to the floor. The banging on my door was getting more and more persistent and I could hear the door handle rattling. It wasn't gonna be long before they knocked the door down. I had to leave now or they would not let me leave. I threw my bag out the window and jumped to a near branch of the tree by window and made my way down. I picked up my bag and ran towards the garage and jumping in the huge SUV. I put my foot down and didn't slow my speed until I was on the highway. It was time to go back to my home where I belonged and get back to what I did best. Killing people and training hard.

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