The Teenage Assassin Chapter 12

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hey there guys!!!

here is the next chapter and hope you like it :) I will be updating more often now so please keep surporting as i really appreciate it :D


much love guys <3


Chapter 12 -

I kept on running until i felt i was far away enough and then found a fast food place. I walked in and ordered a large cheese burger and fries and sat down away from the window. I sat there and stuffed my face until i felt the pain dulling slightly, i loved junk food as it always made me feel better. I loved the way the warmness travels down my throat and takes away the cold pain. I looked out of a near by window and sighed, it was getting dark and i bet Harry and Rich were getting worried. I looked back down at my food and finished off my now cold fries and took the rubbish to the bin and then headed out the door. I wrapped my arms around myself as there was a cold breeze and headed towards home. I looked back at tonights events and sighed again. Dean was right there and i had fought him, did i really want that? I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that i didn't notice a car pull up along side me and a door opened. I gasped as i felt arms grab me and i flipped out them again and pulled out my gun to defend myslef. I looked up and was shocked to find Sam staring at me with my mother beside him.

"Come home Alex, where you belong." He said smoothly reaching out for me and i jerked away.

"No." I growled. "I am home! I'm home with Harry, Rich and Lisa, leave me alone!" I yelled and ran towards home. I could hear them shutting the door and reving the engine, and comming towards me. I looked around frantically and dodged into a nearby alley and ran for my life. I ran all the way home through alley's so they couldn't get me and i was grateful when i turned onto my street and saw my house with the lights on indicating that someone was home. I ran and ran pushing myslef harder and harder, scared that they would take me away from my brothers and aunt. I ran onto the driveway and screamed as i felt Sam's arms wrap around me pulling me away from safety. I wriggled and wriggled but he was too strong.

"Harry! Rich!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, Sam's hand then impacted with my face and i screamed louder and struggled harder and was grateful when the front door opened and Harry and Rich came out holding guns. They looked around and their eyes widened when they saw me and headed towards me. I was suddenly aware of my mother pointing a gun at them.

"Don't make me do this boys." She said strained. "She doesn't belong here." They stopped in heir tracks and were shocked and then Lisa appeared holding a rifle, she pointed in my mom's direction and let off a shot. Mom dodged out of the way and stood up shocked.

"Let her go or i will aim for your heart!" Lisa yelled and Sam had stopped dragging me and was staring in shock at Lisa. I took the distraction and pulled out my knife and struck it backwards into Sam's side, i struck him so the stab wouldn't kill him but cause him a lot pain. He groaned and fell backwards releasing me. My mom turned and screamed when she saw Sam on the floor, i was turned and saw the hurt in his face and i felt guilty as he was the one who had raised me and taught me everything that i knew and here i was stabbing him. It was wrong. I felt the tears in my eyes and i let them flow without hesitation, i was a horrid person. I took a step away from him but then felt something cold and hard pressed into my back. A gun.

"How dare you Alex. He was so good to you and this is how you repay him? I am gonna make you pay!" He whispered the last part in my ear so only i could hear it. I let out a sob and struck my arm out and knocked the gun away and turned and punched her as hard as i could before falling to the ground.

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