The Teengae Assassin Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 -

A week has passed and i am still debating whether i have made the righ choice to stay here. Yes, i love being here with my brother's and having a sense of family and being able to still keep my martial arts skills in check with them. They have helped me start a new life and to be quite honest, i am really scared. I was sat on the window seat in my new room going over things when Rich came in. I looked up and smiled and he smiled gently, he knew that i was finding it really hard to adjust to the new lifestyle.

"You need to get ready Alex."

"Why?" I wondered, where would we be going?

"We are going to a meeting." He said watching my reaction but his face fell slightly as i couldn't help but fall back into my training from the agency.

"What meeting? Who is going to be there? Where is it held?" He shook his head as i fired off questions and then i stopped, if i wanted a new life i would have to stop this. I sighed and turned back to look out the window. Did i really want to give up my old life? The same question had been going round and round in my head for the last few days. I couldn't make up my mind. I loved my old job beacuse i got to kick ass and make the world a better place and now i couldn't do that anymore, i had to ignore all the evil in the world and hope like everyone else that it won't be me next. Could i really go on like that? I was then aware of Rich sitting on next to me on the window seat. He took my hand and played with my fingers.

"What's wrong Alex?" He asked concerned so i decided to tell what was going on in my head."I don't know if i can do this Rich, i don't know if i can ignore all the the evil in the world and go on like other people who hope that the evil won't get them. I want to be the one who makes sure that they don't have to worry, i want to take the threat away. I was made for that! I have always done that and it's all i know." I sighed in frustration and Rich stayed silent through my rant, he then finally sighed too."It's just that you are finding it hard to adjust to the change." "Is it?" I said without reliazing. Rich looked hurt and i automatically felt guilty."Rich, i didn't mean you i swear." I said taking his hand now."Don't worry about it. Just get ready, we are leaving in ten minutes." He then got up and left with me feeling guilty. I decided to shut off my emotions and so i got up and grabbed a pair of trainners and a jacket and headed downstairs where i heard muttered whispers. "I don't think she was ready." It was Rich and he was talking about me."She will, just give her time. I don't want her gone again." Harry was defending me and for that i was grateful. "Wait to see what happens on her first day of school and then we will talk about this." Lisa said and then i heard footsteps comming closer so i straightened up and headed the rest of the way down. Lisa looked at me and smiled while Harry pulled me into a tight hug. He loved me no matter what. He released me and we headed out the door into the big SUV.       "You must be Alex, my name is Jonathan." A man said as we entered a large building. I looked the man up and down and frowned. How did he know my name? What did he want? I shifted so i could easily fall into a defense position. Jonathan just chuckled and looked at Harry."She hasn't been home long then i take it?" Harry chuckled too."No she hasn't been home long, she's finding it hard to adjust to the new life." Jonathan turned back to me and smiled. I cringed and shifted into a defense position and Jonathan frowned. "I mean you no harm Alex and we have no violence here. We are just glad that you are home.""How do you know me?" I demanded and Harry stepped in sensing that i was very wary and was about to launch an attack on the man. Harry thought that i wasn't carrying any weapons seeing as they took the knife that i had when i came, but they were wrong. In the back of my jeans was my gun and in the side of my boots was a knife and i had several other weapons around my body. I could do serious damage. "Er...Alex, Jonathan is right. He won't harm you at all and he know's you through us. This is the place where we are all working together to bring family members home from the agency." I relaxrd automatically and was then interested. I straightened up and smiled at Jonathan and extended a hand. "Sorry about that, old habbits die hard." I said grinnig and i had never felt so fake in my life. Jonathan took my hand and shook it while Harry and Rich let out a sigh of relief. We walked through the main door and entered a large room where people were talking quietly, they all stopped as i entered the room and they stared at me as if i were a science experiment. I let out a low growl and Harry rushed up and patted my arm as we found seats in the corner. "They are just shocked that we got you out that's all." "We are also shocked that you showed your face here." A woman said coldly and i looked up to see a woman staring at me giving me the daggers. I could show her a dagger all right. I stood up and frowned. "What is that supposed to mean?" I shot back and i was barely aware of Harry tugging on my hand to sit down. "When people from the group came to get you, you shot at them and wonded several of our men! How do you think we would react to that? How dare you show your cold blooded face around here." She spat and i was out raged! How dare she! "Well when they 'came to get me' they ambushed the agency and i didn't know what to think! I thought that they were trying to kill me as shots were being fired all over the place so i shot at them to defend myself! How would you have reacted if someone ambushed you? I think that you would have done the same!" I snapped and the woman looked horrified. She then turned to Harry. "You should never have brought her home Harry. You should have left her there! She is as cold blooded as the rest of them." She said and looked at Harry who was also fumming, he then stood up too."Marian! You are out of line, how dare you say that about my sister! She is right, we ambushed the place and we must have frightened her and so i think that she should be let off as she didn't now what else to do! I went and got her with Rich because we missed her, we wanted her home and you were exactly the same when you wanted Dean home! Now that he is home, you don't care about anyone you selfish cow!" He roared ans she looked taken aback and so was i for that matter. I looked at Harry stunned and he just grinned at me and then it hit me.

"Dean?" I asked the woman and she just sniffed at me. I walked foreward and grabbed the tops of her arms."Dean who?" I demanded."Get your hands off my Aunt!" A familar voice roared and i looked up to see a figure throw themself at me. I anticipated his attack and tackled him to the floor, he had obviously been at the agency as he knew that latest training and his moves matched mine. I managed to hit him where the sun don't shine and he rolled off me and i leapt up and pulled out my gun and pointed it at him. I heard everyone gasp but i didn't care, this was self denfence. The guy rolled over and i gasped at who it was, he gasped too and looked at my gun worriedly. It really couldn't be my Dean. The Dean who had loved me and then betrayed me by not telling me the truth about my mother. I was then suddenly furious and i lunged at him and hit his face with the gun."How dare you!" I screamed and then i felt arms pulling me off him, and for once i didn't resist. They pulled me off him and pulled me back giving us some distance. Dean stood up and brsuhed himself off and looked at me sadly."Why?" I demanded. "Why didn't you tell me? I had a right to know Dean!""I'm sorry Alex, i had sworn an oath to keep it form you until they were ready." "I don't care! I actually loved you and fell for your stupid game the second time round! If you really loved me then you should have told me." I yelled and i could feel the tears well up in my eyes and Dean looked hurt."I really did love you too Alex, but i couldn't tell you." He said sadly and took a step towards me and i held up my gun in defence. "Don't you dare come near me Dean! You lied to me, you let me love you and you took my for granted. I don't want to ever see you again Dean and if you think i will forgive you, you're wrong!" I shouted and wrigled free out of the arms who were holding me and ran out of the building with Harry and Rich calling my name.

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