The Teenage Assassin Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 -

I didn't die. I know that much because I could hear an annoying beeping sound coming from somewhere. I could also feel pain in my chest; I tried to move but gave up instantly as it hurt too much. Damn. I opened my eyes and found that I was looking at a ceiling covered in off white square tiles. I turned my head slightly and found that I was alone. Great! I was in a hospital and was all alone. Why hasn't anyone visited me? I will so yell at everyone as soon as I see them. I sighed then winced from the pain. Suddenly I heard the door open and I turned my head to see Rich and Harry come in and they looked exhausted. They trudged over to the small couch at the end of my bed and collapsed onto it. I was instantly relieved as they were alive for a start and did come and visit me. I cleared my throat and their heads snapped up in unison to look at me.

"Alex?" Harry croaked and I nodded. Their faces lit up as if it was Christmas morning and raced over to me and started hugging my legs like 3 year olds.

"Oh my god! Are you okay? We have missed you so much and your annoyingness!" Harry said excitedly and I couldn't help but laugh, it was soon cut off by an enormous pain in my chest. I winced and touched my chest. Since when was my chest that big and squishy? Rich caught my expression and laughed.

"Don't worry; they didn't give you a boob job. It is the bandaging from where you got shot." He said grimacing. I smiled slightly.

"Ah well, I only got shot." They looked horrified.

"Only!" They shrieked and I didn't know it was possible till then that boys voice could go that high.

"You got yourself shot in order to save me! You almost died! So how is that an only?" Rich yelled and I covered my ears.

"Shush your mush Rich and I'm still here aren't I?" I said sighing then wincing. Again.

"Yeah but you almost died in the process." Harry mumbled looking down. "I didn't want to lose my sister." I smiled and took his hand and squeezed it.

"But you haven't and I'm here now and alive so that's all that matters. Right?" I said smiling brightly and soon they were smiling too.

"You're right. The past is the past and we can't do nothing about it, so let's get on with the present." Rich said smiling even bigger. He looked so happy. I then had a thought.

"Where's Ben?" I demanded, I hoped that he didn't go back to the agency and told Sam that I took the shot for Rich.

"Who?" Harry asked looking confused.

"The dude who I was with when we stormed the house." I said starting to panic and making the pain even worse.

"Hey calm down." Rich soothed.

"Where is he?" I demanded again.

"He is the canteen with the other one. We wouldn't let them in here as they were trying to kill us and ended up hurting you." Harry said looking at the floor and I groaned.

"Oh man! You guys are such planks! Lucy is down there and she was on my side and wasn't going to kill you. She was helping me so we could take down Sam and make sure that the other agents get to go back to their family like I did." I said smiling and they just nodded and said oh.

"Could you go and get them so I can talk to them and by the way, how long have I been out?" I wondered curiously.

"About three days and you want us to bring the dude up here too?" Rich said sounding surprised.

"Yeah, he is my mentor." I said smiling.

"That tried to kill you." Rich snorted.

"No, that was trying to kill you actually but I jumped in the way and saved your ass." I replied coldly and gave up. Arguing was making me so tired and to my relief they agreed and went to fetch them. While they were gone I began to ponder what I was going to say to Ben. Could I tell him the real reason I stepped in front of that bullet? Then there was a knock at the door.

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