𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟐

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"What do you want princess"
"Uhhh chocolate ice cream and pickles" Erika said he scrunched his nose
"Are you gonna eat them together?" He asked
"Obviously" she said smiling he chuckled
"You sure doesn't that sound gross"
"Nooo I've been craving that since yesterday" she said giggling
"Aight I'll be back in 20 minutes...are you sure you don't want to come" he said
"Yeah I'm sure I'm tired"
"Baby you slept all day today"
"I know but he feel so tried" she said pouting he chuckled and kissing her head
"Alright I'll be back soon" he said and left

Erika went back to sleep but woke up 20 minutes later and ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet, once she was done she got up and washed her mouth then sat back down on the bed

Erikas POV
That was wired but it was probably something I ate

Then Jake walked in with bags

"Did you get it" Erika asked excitedly
"Yes princess I got your ice cream and pickles" he said laughing and handing it to her she smiled and started eating it she dipped the pickles into the ice cream Jake just looked at her
"What do you wants some"
"Nah I'm good" he said and opened his soda she shrugged

-few days later

"Erika baby you okay" Jake said turning her head to face him
"Mmm aight but let's get ready we have to go to sunnys house remember" he said she nodded

They got dressed

Jakes outfit

Erikas outfit

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Erikas outfit

And left to sumny

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And left to sumny

Sunnys POV
Somethings up with Erika she's been quite and she been playing with her fingers and she does that when she's nervous

"Anthony why don't you and Jake go get pizza"sunny said
"You want to go"Anthony asked
"I'm down" Jake said
"Aight we'll be back in 30" Tony said Jake kissed Erika
"I'll be back" he said she gave him a small smile they left then sunny sat next to her
"What's wrong"
"You can tell me rik"
"I-it's just that...I-Ugh I don't know how to say this" Erika said looking down"
"Calm down" sunny said
"S-sorry Um this is weird but your the only person I can talk to"
"What's wrong"
"I've been throwing up lately and Um I'm late my period hasn't come and it's always on time"
"Omg your pregnant!"
"W-what no-well I don't know"
"The boys are gonna be out for a while and there's a pharmacy down the street so let's go"

They got up and went to the store then came back

"Wait I'm scared What if-"
"Just take it we got 2 so take both to make sure" sunny said Erika sight But nodded

-few minutes later

Erika walked out

"So..." sunny said Erika handed her both of them

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