𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑

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"How...why did you do this"
"To surprise you I wanted to show you how much I...care for you, why don't you not like it-"
""I love it!" Erika said Turing around

Jake smiled and kissed her passionately Erika kissed back they were making out Jake walked them over to the bed still kissing her he kissed down her neck sucking on her sweet spot causing her to moan

⚠️sexual ⚠️

Jake reached back to untie her top he looked her in the eyes she bit her lip and nodded for him to continue he pulled it off her and laid her down on the bed kissing her neck and softly kissing her boobs playing with the strings of her bottoms

"Are you sure you want to do this" Jake whispered in her ear
"MHm" Erika hummed nervously Jake pulled her bottoms off admiring her body she cover her face Jake pulled her hands away
"Your beautiful okay you don't need to hide it " he said she blushed

Jake kissed her down her body then stood up taking his swimsuit off along with his boxers Erika gulped looking at his size Jake Got in between her legs and aligned himself with her entrance

Erikas POV
Omg omg! I'm scared he's bigger then I expected and he looks like he knows what he's doing...if corse he knows what he's doing Erika Ugh I'm scared and nervous ahhh

Jake spit down in her Pussy and rubbed his tip against her clit earning a soft moan from Erika he looked up at Erika and slowly Entering inside of her not breaking eye contact with her Erika gasped and her eyes became watery.

"Shh it's okay....it will feel better soon I promise"Jake said softly kissing her cheek she slowly nodded

Slowly Erika started getting used to it and moan loudly arching her back Jake started speeding up his thrusting Erika let out a scream

"Fuck your tight" Jake groaned throwing his head back Erika cover her mouth to stop her from moaning loudly Jake pulled her hand off leaning down kissing her neck
"I want to hear you" he said in her ear she moaned in his ear causing him to groan
"Fuck"he kissed her his thrust becoming sloppy
"J-Jake I-"
"Me too princess" he said knowing what she was going to say

Erika arched her back and gripped the shits her mouth was open she was about to scream when Jake smashed his lips against hers she came and soon he did too (she's on the pill) he groaned and slowly pulled out rubbing his tip against her clit watching the cum drip out of her he bit his lip and looked up at her she blushed he kissed her and laid next to her

"How was it princess"
"Great" she smiled biting her lip
"Good...don't do that" he said pulling her lip don then kissing her she blushed and they cuddled going to sleep in each other's arms

-week later

They get in there cars and drive back to Cali

"My dad's probably going to kill me" Erika said scared
"We could go to the tree house" Jake said
"No it's fine at least I got to spend a whole week with you" she smiled he smiled
"No we're going to the tree house I don't want you getting hit"
"No jake please I'm going to have to go home some time I'll be fine but what about your dad"
"He's going to kill me" he said
"I wish are life were better" Erik said looking down
"Mine became better when I met you" he said placing his hand on her thigh
"Mine too" Erika smiled


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