𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑

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"Jake I...don't have any clothes" Erika said
"Don't worry princess I'll shower tony and sunny will be here in half an hour sunny is bringing you clothes"Jake said

Erika smiled and nodded Jake kissed her cheek and took a quick shower he got dressed and Erika got in the shower then Anthony and sunny walked in

"Hey" Jake said
"Hey bro" Anthony
"Hi where's Erika " sunny said
"In the shower" he said then the shower stopped sunny knocked on the door and walked in Jake and Anthony sat on the bed
"I thought you threw that away" Anthony said refuting to the guitar
"I couldn't...Logan gave it to me remember wanted to get me to stop doing drugs" he said
"I know...haven't heard you play in a long time dude"
"I don't play anymore"he said
"Sure you don't...Erika told sunny you sang to her last night" Anthony said Jake rolled his eyes
"Only for her I'm not singing for anyone else it's just a hobby but I'm never signing in public before you ask"he said
"Ugh fine but you love her don't you" tony said winking
"Don't...don't say that it's too soon I like her a lot but it's to soon to say those words I don't like getting attached you know that especially too soon we may be dating but I can't put all my feeling out there so I could just lose her" Jake said looking at him Anthony sighed
"What's going on" sunny said Jake looked at Erika then at Anthony
"Nothing"Jake said grabbing his backpack and jumped down
"I'll talk to him" Anthony said

Anthony climbed down and went up to Jake

"Yo dude relax I know you better then anyone since we were fucking babies ,I just want you to be happy okay I understand you but look I'll always have your back like your best friend...like your brother" Anthony said Jake sighed
"I know" Jake said then Erika and sunny walked up to them
"Is everything okay" sunny asked
"Yeah you guys ready to go" Anthony said they nod

-school (lunch)

"Jakey...Uh sorry I mean Jake" Erika said grabbing his hand Jake smiled
"It's okay you can call me that but just you" Jake said

Erika smiled and looked down blushing Jake lifted her head up using his finger they looked each other in the eyes they both leaned in and kissed

"Well we'll well if it isn't Paul and the new girl sorry did I interrupt your little make out session" Blake said him and his friends laughed
"Why don't you shut the hell up before I make your face me punching bag" Jake said people Ooo'd 
"You look quiet and innocent but your just a little slut aren't you wouldn't mind if I hit right your hella fine like damn!" Blake said

Jake got up and punched him his friend went to punch Jake but he stopped his fist the guy was shock Jake twisted his arm behind his back pushing him to the ground

"You really want to go" Jake said to his other friends
they put there hands up and backed up
"Your dead Paul " Blake said getting up and swung at him

Jake ducked dodging every punch, Jake grabbed his shoulder and punched his abdomen Blake pushed him back and managed to land a punch making Jakes lip bleed a bit Jake looked at him and tackled him they started throwing punches at each other

"What the hell" Anthony said as he pushed past the crowd
"Separate them" sunny said Anthony went up to them but got stop by one of his friends
"Get out the way" Anthony said
"Not going to happen toner" the guy chuckled Anthony punched him and they started fighting
"That was not supposed to happen" sunny said then school security came and pulled them away from each other
"My office now!" The principle yelled

Security took them to his office


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