𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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"Stop!" Erika screamed and pushed him off she sat up and put her knees to her chest and started crying Jake sighed he put his hand on her back and she flinched
"Erika look at me" Jake said softly Erika stayed quiet and kept crying
"Erika...Erika" he said a little louder she shook her head he grabbed her wrists not tightly
"No" she said trying to pull away
"Look at me...look at me!" He yelled pulling her up so she was standing and looking up at Jake
"I'm not going to hurt you Erika...I promise, I would never hurt you" he said softly she hugged him and he wrapped his arms around her tightly
"I-I'm sorry" she said crying
"It's okay princess" he said

Jake held her until she calmed down he picked her up and took her to the tree house and laid her down and walked away then came back with a hoodie and boxers

"Here I don't have girl clothes but I have these" Jake said Erika giggled and took them then looked up at him
"Right I'll turn around" Jake said and turned around Erika blushed and quickly changed clothes
"I'm done " she said and Jake turned around
"You look good in my clothes Ma" he said she blushed he kissed her and took his shirt off she just stared at his abs Jake chuckled
"It's not nice to stare" he said she blushed again then turned around Jake changed clothes then wrapped his arms around her waist
"Done" he whispered in her ear making her let out a shaky breath

Erika slowly turned around and looked up at him he looked down at her.Erika got on her tippy toes and kissed him Jake kissed back and held her waist he picked her up and gently laid her down on the bed still kissing her he nibbles on her ear she let out a whimper

"J-Jake"she whispered
"Do you trust me" he said in a breathy tone against her neck

she let out a breath but slowly nodded he kissed her neck looking for her sweet spot then softly started sucking on her neck leaving hickeys she let out a soft moan Jake smirked and continued sucking after a few minutes he left dark hickeys on her neck and laid neck to her

"W-what did you do" she asked
"I gave you a hickey  because your mine...only mine" he said she blushed looking down then looked at him
"Can I give you one" she said biting her lip he used his thumb and pulled her lip down
" sure princess do you know how too" he said she shook her head embarrassed a bit
"Just suck okay" he said chuckling

Erika giggled and straddled him she looked at him and blushed then kissed his neck looking for his sweet spot once she did she started sucking softly Jake let out a low groan once she was done she leaned back and looked at it smiling

"There" Erika said Jake chuckled and kissed her cheek
"Good job ma" Jake said

Erika smiled and laid on his chest slowly falling asleep


Jakes POV
What the fuck Erika is shaking

Erika started crying while still asleep

"N-no stop" Erika said
"Erika ,babygirl wake up" Jake said shaking her softly Erika woke up and cried in his chest
"It's okay princess no one will hurt you I promise" he whispered in her ear

Erika was crying softly she stoped shaking Jake played with the ends of her hair

"If...if you want I'll sing....I'll sing to you to help calm you down" he said with hesitation Erika looked at him
"R-really" she asked
"...yeah" he said caressing her cheek she softly smiled Jake got up and got his guitar he sat down next to her they looked at each other jake kissed her
"I'm a little rusty so no making fun of me if I Fuck up" he said Erika giggled Jake smiled

(That's some what of what he sounded like)

Once he was done he looked at Erika

"I know it was bad" Jake said with a small chuckle
"No your voice is so good and it helped me calm down so thank you" Erika said smiling Jake kissed her
"No problem princess anything for you" he said  she blushed and smiled they cuddled and fell asleep

-next day...

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