𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟖

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Jake climbed up to the tree house and went straight to the bathroom Erika was worried she didn't know what to do until she heard the shower turn on

Erikas POV
What do I do he's obviously mad and if I'm being honest it kind of scares me when he's mad but I'm worried I don't want he stressed especially on his birthday

Then she got an idea but then shook her head

"No you can do this Erika" Erika said to herself and walked in the bathroom

Erika slowly took her clothes off she nervously grabbed the shower curtain Jake had his hand on the wall ,his head hanging low and the water running down him he turned his head and saw Erika naked he looked her up and down biting his lip

"I thought you might want company " Erika said
"Come here" Jake said Erika got in and Jake looked down at her then picked her up ,she wrapped her legs around his torso
"Are you mad" she asked
"Mhm but your gonna help me relieve some of that anger" he said Erika smiled and Jake pushed himself inside her


They finished there shower and Jake out on some sweats and stayed shirtless and Erika wore one of Jakes shirts with her panties they were laying in bed cuddling in bed

"Sing me a song" Erika said smiling
"What song" Jake said playing with the ends of her hair she shrugged He chuckled and got up to grabbed his guitar and sat down then started singing

"What" Jake said
"I like your voice"
"I like yours too" he said she giggled
"Sing with me"
"I don't know how to sing"
"Yes you do" he said with a smirk she looked at him
"N-no" she said nervously
"Don't lie I heard you a few times when your alone you have an amazing voice princess"
"Thank you" she smiled looking down
"Aight let's sing señorita by Shawn Mendes" he  said she giggled and nodded

Jake put his guitar down and cuff Erika she snuggled into his chest

" you sing amazing princess" he said
"You do too jakey" she said biting her lip he pulled her lip down and kissed her
"Goodnight baby"
"Goodnight " she said

-few months later

Jake dropped her car off across the street from her house Jake got out and opened her door out of the car and smiled

" thank you for our little date and taking me home" Erika smiled
" no problem princess now go inside I don't want Your dad getting mad at you for coming late"
"I know neither do I want your dad to hurt you"
"I'll be fine don't worry about me"
"I can't Jake do you have a black guy you didn't have yesterday"
" it was just a little argument but I'm okay now go home I haven't seen any bruises anywhere which means your dad hasn't been anywhere lately has he"
"No he's been a little busy with work And my stepmom went to visit her parents for the weekend"
"then that's good I don't want you getting hurt but you know if anything happens to call me"he said holding her hands she nods
" I'll see you tomorrow at school right"
"Mhm" she hums then she felt someone pull her hair she screamed and saw her dad and Jake pulled her behind him....

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