𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐4

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"Where were you!"
"Wow you notice I wasn't home for the week that's a surprise" Jake said setting his bag down
"Respect me now tell me where you were!" His dad yelled
"Like you actually care dad just go back to drinking" Jake said his dad punched him Jake pushed him back
"I won't let you hit me again I'm tired I've never fought back because your still my dad but I'm done!" He yelled his dad chuckled and threw a chair at him making him fall
"You think your tough now huh let's see how tough you are!" His dad yelled at him kicking him hard on his side making Jake groan but he contained himself from yelling he spit blood out
"Your weak son!" His dad yelled
"I hate you!" Jake yelled at him
"Shut up! Shut the hell up!" His dad yelled as he took his belt and started hitting him over and over calling him names Jake just laid there with his eyes closed clenching his jaw trying not to scream he almost felt numb his dad kept hitting him until he got tired and left he managed to pullEd himself up but his dad came back and dragged him out pushing him to the ground
"What now are you going to kill le like you did Logan" Jake said with his mouth bleeding he spit and looked at him his dad grabbed his arm and opened the car door Jake was to weak to push him away
"What are you doing" Jake said
"You'll learn to respect me!" He said
"No stop dad-" Jake said his dad smashed the door on his arm Jake screamed in pain His dad went back inside Jake stayed They for a while then managed to get up and got in his car He was in pain he held his arm in his lap it was throbbing he turned his car on and drove to Anthony's house he opened

"Dude we just saw-what the hell happened to you"
"Just help m-me it hurts" Jake said

Anthony yelled out for his parents and his brother

"Jake son what happened"
"Was it your dad" Noah asked
"N-no just help me please I can't move my arm so please h-help or I'll just-"
"Slow down sweetie let's all go to the hospital" Tonys moms said they took him to the hospital

-with Erika

Erika got home and saw her dad and step mom once they saw her they looked at her with anger Erika got scared and ran up to her room but she forgot to lock it so they walked in and so did Jason

"We told you to stay away from that boy"
"Look what he did to my baby he's a monster"
"No he's not! Jake defended me from Jason if not he would have raped me again" Erika said crying
"Again!?" Her dad yelled angry
"Jason was the one who took my virginity he forced me to have sex with him when I was 15 I yelled over and over for him to stop but he never did...he raped me all the times he wanted" Erika said with her voice shaking her step mom slapped her making Erika fall to her bed
"She's lying don't believe her" Jason said
"Punish her" her step mom said
"I'm telling the truth please d-dad" Erika said he took his belt off and started hitting her Erika screamed from the pain
"Never make lies about your brother and I don't want you near that boy understood!" Her dad yelled she laid on her bed crying
"Answer me Erika!"
"Y-yes" she said they left but her step brother stayed
"Nice try there never going to believe you...ever" he said smirking then walked out closing her door Erika held the teddy bear Jake gave her and cried herself to sleep

-a week later

"Well after we came back from Vegas Jakes dad hit him badly he has bruises and he...his arm is broken his dad smashed it with the car door that's why he hasn't come to school this entire week"Anthony said Erikas eyes got watery
"W-where is he"Erika asked
"He came over in the middle of the night he didn't want me to tell you but last night he left he said he was going to the woods but he never came back" Anthony said
"You should go rik" sunny said
"I don't think that's a good idea Jake likes to be alone it's better just to leave him alone"
"I have to go I'll be fine" Erika said Anthony sighed
"Aight go" Anthony said
"Be careful Erika" sunny said hugging her she winced
"Are you okay" sunny asked
"Y-yeah...yeah I'm fine" Erika said with a weak smile and walked out to her car and drove to the woods


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