𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒

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"I've warned you guys that this behavior is unacceptable" the principle said
"It's Jake he's the problem you should expell him" Blake said
"I won't do that but I will suspend all of you for a week" she said
"What!" They yelled except Jake
"Yes a week next time I'll suspend and give and phone call home and suspend you from the football team"
"What about these jerks there not even on the football team" one said making the others laugh
"There be a punishment for them too but for no you may leave" they all stood up
"Jake stay" the principal said Jake rolled his eyes and sat back down the others left
"What" Jake said
"I know you have at home issues jaw and I want to help you out I think it's best if you have talks with your consular-"
"Who told you I want to talk to anyone" he did
"It would help your behavior Jake"
"Bit it won't you don't know what happens when I leave this place and go home you don't know anything!"he yelled
"Calm down Jake I want to help you" she said
"I'm not asking you to so You do your job and teach Don't worry about me and this is the only time I will say it I don't Want your sympathy or your help"Jake said with his jaw clenched and walked out

-one month later

Jakes POV
Me and Erika has been amazing she's my rock but she doesn't let me drive her home or even go near her house because she scared of what her dad might do my dad in the other hand he doesn't give a fuck about what I do my dad is out on a business trip for the week so I don't have to see him but he sure didn't forget to give me a beaten before he left I have a black eye and bruises in my back from him hitting me with his belt but I'm fine


Jake walked in school with his hood up he walked up to his locker when Anthony walked up to him

"Jake I thought you were going to pick me up-what the fuck happened" Anthony said as he saw his black eye
"My dad" Jake said
"Jake you should move in with me my parents love you your dad isn't going to change"
"I'm fine plus he left for a business trip he won't be home for a week I appreciate your parents tryna help me but I can take care of myself no matter how many beating I get he's still...he's still my dad he's all I got after my brother died and my mom abandoned us" he said
"But aren't you tired of getting hit all the time and I know you can defend yourself so why don't you"
"I'm used to it and I don't fight back because...I promised Logan I wouldn't lose the little respect I have for my dad even if that means getting beat up everyday"


"Stop!" Logan yelled in pain from getting hit
"Logan" Jake spoke softly from the corner watching as his dad keep hitting Logan
"Your next!" His dad yelled Logan managed to get up and hold his dad back
"Go! Lock yourself in the room!" Logan yelled
"Go!" Logan yelled Jake ran up to his room locking his door

Jake heard yelled in Logan yelling back at his dad then he heard and loud thump and the front door slam Jake just sat there with his head in his hands then there was a knock at his door he quickly got up and opened it a saw a bleeding bruised Logan Jake helped him sit on his bed

"Jake I need you to promise something"
"What is it?" Jake asked and he put bandages on Logan
"That you won't leave dad I know he doesn't treat us well but he's still our dad we can't leave him alone"
"For what he doesn't care for us Logan nobody cares about us even mom left us" he said looking down
"I do your my little brother mom...I don't remember much but dad he stayed yes he beats us but he stayed he didn't leave but I swear as long as I'm with you I will protect you all we have to have is hope that one day he'll change but we have to stay if once your 18 he's still the same I promise you we'll leave together far away"
"I don't know-"
"Promise me!...please Jake " Logan said Jake looked at him with watery eyes
"I promise" Jake said and Logan brought him into a hug


"I have to at least try" Jake said Anthony looked at him sadly
"Aight but my house is always there if you need a place to stay" Anthony said
"I know...but now I need you to help me avoid Erika just for today I don't want her to see this" Jake said refuting to his black eye
"To late" tony said nodding his head Jake turned and saw sunny and Erika walking up to them
"Jake what happened"....

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