𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕

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"I'll see you in school right?" He asked
"Yeah" Erika smiled

they kissed and she got out and quietly and quickly went in her house and up to her room she took a quick shower and got dressed she walked down and froze once she saw who was standing by the door

"J-Jason " Erika said Jason looked at her
"Hey little sis how have you been" Jason said pulling her down
"Let go" she said pushing him away
"I came for visit yesterday didn't see you" Jason said
"I was with my b-boyfriend" she said
"You have a boyfriend" Jason said angry grabbing her wrists tightly
"Y-yes let m-me go p-please " she stuttered
"Oh little Erika now that you live closer I'll come visit more often oh and that little boyfriend of yours better be gone by the time I come visit again and maybe we'll have fun just like we used too"
"N-no please n-no"
"Come on it will be fun you grew in all the right places" he said breathing down her neck
Erik shed some tears then they heard someone coming down the stairs he let go and saw her step mom
"Good morning sweetie Erika your dad is very mad he's out to work and he told me that you go to school and back your grounded "
"Not the Erika I remember"
"She worthless just like her mother" her step mom said rolling her eyes Erika just cried softly
"Well I'm going"
"Yeah mom I only came to visit but I'll come back for winter break I'll stay longer I promise" Jason said smirking looking at Erika and left
"Go to school I don't want to see you"her step mom said Erika grabbed her bag and got in her car driving to school

She parked and got out walking in she went to her locker

"Hi princess" Jake said kissing her but Erika pushed him away
"H-hi" she said
"What's wrong"
"N-nothing" Erika said grabbing her books
"Erika" he said turning her around and shutting her locker he creases her cheek
"D-don't touch m-me...." Erika said shaking a bit Jake was confused Erika walked away
"Hey bro what's up"Anthony said walking up to him with sunny
"Somethings up with Erika"
"I'll go with her" sunny said and kissed Anthony's cheek and left following Erika
"Did you do something"
"Nah I stoped her off early something happened when she got home"
"Like what?"
"I don't know but I'll find out" Jake said and they walked out to go Behind the bleachers to smoke before class

"What's wrong rik you left Jake all confused"
Sunny said sitting next to her
"J-Jason came back"
"Who's Jason "
"M-my step brother"
"oh my gosh did he do something to you did he hurt you "
"N-no he left but I'm scared....H-he told me he was going to come back too...to remember old times" Erika said with watery eyes sunny hugged her
"I don't want him to hurt me again I don't want to feel alone " Erika said
"your not alone rik you got me your bestie and Anthony a friend and you have Jake he wouldn't let anything happen to you" sunny said Erika just looked down her hands were shaking a bit

-before lunch

They were in class Jake and Erika weee sitting next to each other Erika was taking notes when Jake grabbed her hand Erika gulped
"What's wrong Erika" Jake asked Erika shook her head and the bell ringed for lunch Erika grabbed her notebook and left Jake stood up and tried to go after her but she ran into the bathroom

Erikas POV
I want to tell Jake but seeing Jason again affected me a lot I'm just really scared right now

Erika cried a little she Waited until everyone has gone into the cafeteria then walked out then got pulled into a supply closet and put a hand over her mouth so she wouldn't scream Erika bit there Hand causing him to groan and turn on the lights

"It's me Erika" Jake said Erika turned around
"S-sorry you scared me" Erika said a box of tissues fell from one of the shelves causing air cut to job Jay I looked at her
"what's wrong princess " He said
"nothing" she said
" your eyes are red and puffy, your hand was shaking during class and you're more jumpy than usual come on baby tell me what's wrong don't you trust me" he said grabbing her hands
" i'm just scared I don't want him to hurt me again "She said it was watery eyes
"Who princess who will hurt you"
" J-jason my s-step brother I-I saw him this morning he l-left but he's c-coming b-back and I know h-he wants to h-hurt me I'm scared I don't wanna go through what I went through a f-few years a-ago I don't want him to t-touch me or hurt m-me" Erica said with tears running down her face

Jake picked her up and sat her on the desk that was there

" you'll have to go past me to hurt you I'm not letting anything happen to you you won't touch or hurt you again"
"P-promise" she said softly looking down playing with her fingers

Jake picked her head up with his finger making her look him in the eyes healing down so their faces were inches apart he looked at her lips them back at her eyes


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