𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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"Uh we got lost" Anthony said then looked at Jake and they both laughed
"I've known you two since 9th grade I don't believe your little story" she said angry
"Then Don't I honestly don't care what you think right now" Jake said as they both sat down in the back but in the other side the teacher sighed then went back to teaching

-lunch time

"Never again bro I still feel high and dizzy" Anthony said leaning against his locker Jake chuckled
"Ay you didn't want heroin that is stronger then the other shit we took"
"How do you do it man I'll just stick to weed"
"I've been doing drugs since I was 14 I'm just used to it" Jake said shrugging

Jake turned but was accidentally pushed by a boy, Jake grabbed him and punched him

"Watch where your going!" Jake yelled the football player just nodded and got up running off
"First day Paul and your already getting into fights not a surprise" Blake said walking up to him with his group of Friends
"Keep talking shit and watch what will happen to you"
"Oo scary at least your brother was able to get away from you but he must of been just as annoying as you" Blake said

Jake grabbed him and threw him against the lockers he started kicking him over and over until Anthony pulled him back security took all of them, blake and his friends and Jake and Anthony to the principals office

" this type of behavior is unacceptable especially on the first day of school"
"Tell that to Paul"Blake said
"Do you have anything to say Jake" the principal asked Jake looked up at her
"I don't care" Jake said bluntly The principal sighed
" since it's the first day I will excuse all of you but I don't want any more fights or problems understood" she said they all responded except Jake
"Jake yes or no"she asked him he rolled his eyes
"Mhm" he hummed
"You guys are dismissed to lunch" they all walked out but she held Jake back
"Jake I know you feel angry but you have to control yourself"
"You don't know what I feel no one does" Jake said and got up walking out

Jake and Anthony walked to the cafeteria in the booth and started talking

"Dude relax" Anthony said as Jake was squeezing his water to tight making it spilled Jake looked down and relaxed
"Stupid bitch needs to leave me alone"
"He's just trying to get in your head" Anthony said Jake clenched his jaw
"Who you looking at?" Jake questioned
"My girl since you don't like her"
"Sunnys aight she just to...happy" he said Anthony smirked
"Well I love her"Anthony said
"Whatever" he said rolling his eyes
"What about the girls she's with i think she's new"
"What girl-" Jake said turning to where he was looking and stop talking

Jakes POV
She's so beautiful...what the Fuck did I just say

Anthony looked at him and smirked

"Someone's looking" Anthony smirked Jake rolled his eyes
"She's just a girl there's nothing special about her now let's go smoke before class " Jake said
"But just weed i ani't trying to get that massive headache again" Anthony said Jake rolled his eyes and they got up and walked to there spots behind the school

-month later

Erikas POV
School has been okay sunny is really nice she is my first real friend I trust her she knows everything about me and what my dad and stepmom does to me she wants to help me, she told me to call the police but I can't he's all I have left

Erikas outfit

Erika went down and her step mom went up to her

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Erika went down and her step mom went up to her

"Your staying today"her stepmom said
"I have school"Erika said
"I don't care someone has to clean the house"
"Then you do it-" Erika was cut off by her slapping her Erika grabbed her face and looked at her
"I'm going to school I'm tired of you , your are not my mom and your not even close to being her" Erika said as tears fell and ran out to her car driving to school

Jakes POV
I Don't feel like going to school usually I don't go on Fridays but Anthony wants me to go with him somewhere after school my dad took my door off so that's great I honestly don't care

"Be more quiet I heard you all night "
"I'm not the one who took my door off not my fault this ones on you" Jake said his dad punched him his lip started bleeding a bit but not much
"You will Respect me!" His dad yelled
Jake clenched his jaw and walked out not saying a word to him

Jakes outfit

(With out the hat)

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(With out the hat)

Jake walked into school and Anthony walked up to him

"Jake you came I thought-"
"Shut up!" Jake yelled Anthony looked at him confused then saw his lip
"It was your dad right" Anthony said Jake sighed then nodded
"Let's go out back I really need something right now" Jake said Anthony nodded and they went behind the school to smoke weed...

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