𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟔

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Erika walked after him she saw him sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands she walked in front of him. Jake looked at her and sighed pulling her into his lap

"I didn't mean to make you mad" Erika said softly
"No I'm sorry for yelling at you...I just don't like talking about her"
"She's still your mom-"
"Erika please....can we stop talking about her" he said sighing she nodded
"Okay" she said looking down Jake lifted her chin up and kissed her it got heated soon


Jake pulled off the hoodie she was wearing that was his kissing her neck and her chest leaving hickeys, then unclipped her bra with one hand pulling it off letting it drop on the floor. Jake kissed her boobs sucking her nipples, Erika let out small moans ,he stood up and laid her down on the bed pulling her jeans off along with her thong and pulled his shirt off and pants and boxers both of them naked . Erika moaned loudly as Jake pushed himself into her he put her legs on his shoulders to go deeper she let out a scream arching her back Jake took this chance to kiss her neck causing her to be a moaning mess , Jakes thrusts where fast and deep

"J-Jake" Erika moaned in his ear
"Fuck...you feel so good, your so tight" Jake said throwing his head back
"Mm I-I'm " she was cut off by Jake rubbing her clit with his thumb she screamed in pleasure

Jake was pounding into her , Erika was leaving claw marks on his back soon she clenched around him and came Jake groaned and she felt him twitch inside her

"Mm Fuck your in the pill right baby" he asked
"Mhm" she said not being able to talk he kept thrusting into her and came inside her then rode out there highs and slowly pulled out of her both laying under the covers and feel asleep in each other's arms

-next day

Erika woke up and looked at the time they had half an hour until school started she shook Jake awake

"5 more minutes" Jake said in his raspy voice snuggled his head more into her neck she giggled and shook him again
"Jake we have to go to school"Erika said he groaned and sat up
"Do we have to go"
"Yes you haven't been to school in a week and it's only today tomorrow is Saturday"
"Fine but we shower together" he said she rolled her eyes and laughed he smirked and picked her up taking her to the shower

-after the shower

They got dressed and left

(With out the thing in his chest)

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(With out the thing in his chest)

Erika grabbed her backpack but Jake wrapped his hands around her waist

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Erika grabbed her backpack but Jake wrapped his hands around her waist

"Do we have to go" Jake mumbled in her neck
"Yes now grabbed your backpack and lest go" Erika said with a giggling Jake groaned and grabbed his backpack walking back to her slapping her ass she squealed and he chuckled
"Let's go princess or we'll be more late" he chuckled Erika huffed and they left


"Hey lovebirds" sunny said with a smile Erika blushed looking down and Jake chuckled
"So Jakes birthdays next month" Anthony said Jake glared at him and rolled his eyes
"W-what why didn't you tell me" Erika said
"It wasn't important"
" but it's your birthday " she said
"It's not important"
"This one is dude you're turning 18 you can finally leave your dad like you said you were going to do and move away" tony said
"Y-your leaving" Erika said sadly Jake gave Anthony a look
"Let's go to class babe see you guys there" Anthony said grabbing Sunnys hand and walking away
"Princess...Erika look at my babygirl" Jake said lifting her chin up to make her look at his eyes

Erikas eyes were watering jake sighed and hugged her tightly Erika let out a small sob The halls were empty since everybody was in class

"Don't cry princess"
"Your leaving aren't you....h-how far am I not going to see you anymore w-will you forget about me what if-"
"Slow down yes that was my plan Logan....I promised Logan that I wouldn't leave my dad until I turn 18 so I stayed"
"But your 18 next month I won't see you anymore "she cried
"No I'm not going anywhere without you princess your the only reason I'm willing to get my ass beat for another 10 months so we could leave...together"
"R-really....no Jake you can't I don't turn 18 until November that's to much I don't want you to get hurt-"
"Shhh I made up my mind I'm willing to wait for you so we could finally be happy so you can be happy okay baby I'm not going anywhere without you" he said she smiled and jumped on him hugging him tightly wrapped his arm around her waist
"Promise "
"Promise" he said
"I-I...I love you" Erika whispered Jake set her down and looked her in the eyes
"Say that again princess" he said she giggled and got on her tippy toes but still hold him down since she was still shorter then him so now they were face-to-face
"I love you" she said again Jake smiled and picked her up spinning her around then set her back down
"I love you more" he said Erika blushed and looked down biting her lip
"Don't do that" Jake said pulling her lip down with his thumb than his passionately and Erika kissed back

-Jakes birthday ......

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