𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟒

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"Get out of my way dad " Jake said calmly his dad tried to hit him but Jake punched him his dad was shocked
"Your never going to hit me again" Jake said his dad pushed him
"Or what ,what are you going to do about it your to weak just like your brother!" His dad yelled
"My brother!...was your son and he was the best I could have ever ask for at least he could get away from you and I will too you'll never see me again" he said
"You can't leave" his dad said
"I'm 18 I can do whatever I want... I'm tired dad I'm tired of always coming home and getting hit I'm tired of you treating my like shit like I'm not even your son"
"I won't let you leave!" His dad yelled
"Yes you will...why would I stay dad , you never cared about us ,Have you ever even thought about us dad be honest have you ever cared about us because I don't think so you drove mom away and you killed Logan"he said with tears running down his face then wiping them away
"I don't care what you say your staying"
"I'm sorry you know after all these years I would always hope something would happen so you could change but that never happened...you just got worse you were never a good father"
"You can't leave me alone I'm your father!"his dad yelled Jake looked at him with watery eyes
"You we're always alone" Jake said picking his suit case up and walking out
"Jake...JAKE!" His dad yelled Jake kept walking and got into his car driving off


Jake drove back and went back up to leave his things and he sees sunny and Anthony

"What are you guys doing here " Jake asked confused
"Uh I wanted to see Erika and talk to her about the baby you know...but she kinda left for a bit"
"Where." He asked sternly
"She wanted to speed up to process and since her dad hates you she went to got her stuff"
"What the fuck! She's pregnant I swear to god if she gets hurt because you two let here leave I will never forgive you!" He yelled going back to his car
"Wait were coming with you!" Anthony yelled Jake just speed off to Erikas house

-Erikas house

Jake heard yelled and started banging on the door

"Don't hit me please I'm 18 dad just let me leave!" Erika cried her dad slapped her and threw her on the ground she grabbed her stomach
"D-don't hit me I could...." she said but stopped
"You what Erika Your staying here!" He yelled until the front door flew open Jake pushed him away from her
"Are you okay is the baby okay" he asked worried she nodded
"Baby! Your pregnant with this bastard!" He yelled but Anthony pushed him away from them Jake grabbed her suit case and gave it to sunny
"Take her to my car" he said sunny nodded
"Go Erika now!" He yelled she nodded and they ran to his car
"No your taking my daughter that child she's carrying is a mistake and once you guys leave I'll make sure to take it out"
"Aight looks like your never gonna change even when your only daughter is leaving you! And weather you like it or not she's pregnant with my child let her do you made her life a leaving hell since her mom died she didn't deserve to be treated like that"
"I treat my daughter how I want to I'm her dad"
"Well Congratulations you are one hell of a father beating your daughter up for no fucking reason so stop playing the caring dad when you aren't!" Jake yelled at him her dad pushed him into a wall Jake turned around and punched him making him fall and spit out blood his wife ran to him and Anthony held Jake back
"Don't look for Erika and don't worry she'll be safe away from you" he said walking out with tony

They drove to sunnys house and she said goodbye to her parents then they went to Tony's and he said goodbye to his parents so did Jake and they drove off tony was following Jake since he told them he had a place from them

-the house

"Omg!" Sunny said shocked "Damn dude how ,when ,the fuck can you afford it" Anthony said shocked Jake chuckled "Don't worry about it but this is out new house our home" he said looking at Erika she smiled "I always knew you were rich but damn" ton...

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"Omg!" Sunny said shocked
"Damn dude how ,when ,the fuck can you afford it" Anthony said shocked Jake chuckled
"Don't worry about it but this is out new house our home" he said looking at Erika she smiled
"I always knew you were rich but damn" tony said walking in
"Well im going to bed your room is on that side" Jake said pointing to the left tony and sunny nod happily and they walk up

Jake grabs Erikas hand and they walk to the master room

"Thank you Jake for staying with me"
"I would never let anything happen to you Erika especially now that your pregnant" he said placing his hand on her stomach she smiled
"I love you" they said at the same time they smiled and kissed
"Now we start our new life without pain no more sadness okay we have to be happy for our baby girl" he said
"Girl? What if it's a boy" she smiled
"Girl"he said
"Boy" she said
"Well whatever it is we'll love him or her so much" he said she smiled and they cuddled never letting go of each other

"Thank you Jake for staying with me""I would never let anything happen to you Erika especially now that your pregnant" he said placing his hand on her stomach she smiled "I love you" they said at the same time they smiled and kissed "Now we start ...

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