𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔

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"Just in time the police is here" her step mom said the police pulled up
"That's him" she said
"No please don't" Erika said
"Take him" her dad said they took Jake
"Don't worry dude I'll call my parents" Anthony said as they took Jake and drove off Anthony was about to get in his car
"Can I go with you" Erika said
"Yeah let's go" Anthony said
"No erika your staying!" Her dad yelled Erika ignored him and got in the car Anthony sped off

-police station

"Ayy let him go he's just a kid" an fbi agent said Jake looked up
"Sorry sir" the other police officers said and walked away the fib agent took him to his office
"Sit down Jake" the fbi said
"Your back in town"Jake said
"Yeah they sent me here I'll be in town for a few months"
"Nice to know Noah" Jake said
"Did your dad give you that black eye" Noah asked
"Did Anthony tell you" he asked
"Yes but he wants to help-"
"Tell your brother that I'm fine Ugh Anthony can never keep his mouth shut can he" he said annoyed
"Can I go" he said annoyed
"Not yet I just want to talk Jake calm down you don't need to get all defensive" Noah said
"Talk about what why the police were called to arrest me"
"Yes Jake I thought after our talk you'd stop getting yourself in trouble"Noah said
"I didn't do anything wrong"he said
"Jake you've been on our radar since you were 15 along with your...your brother" Noah said
"So what I haven't killed or stolen yes I get into fights and have anger issues but don't talk to me like I'm a criminal" Jake said
"Your right I'm sorry I want you to help I think your dad is the one responsible for your behavior"
"Stop worrying about me"
"I'm sorry but I can't I promised Logan that if something would have happened to him that I'd take care of you I'm just keeping my promise just like your keeping yours" Noah said Jake clenched his jaw
"Sir these kids are looking for you" an officer said
"Anthony who is this young lady" Noah said with a smile
"Erika my girlfriend" Jake said bringing her to sit on his lap Erika gave him and small smile
"Mom and dad are out there to sign Jake out" Anthony said
"Go with the officer we'll be out in a bit" Noah said Erika and Anthony left
"Your dad should be here"
"He's out of town" Jake said
"I'll have a talk with him when's he's back"
"Don't please I can defend myself"
"Then why don't you Jake"
"I can't he's still my dad and like you said I made a promise to Logan and I will not break even if that means getting beat everyday until I turn 18 okay" Jake said

Noah sighed and walked out with Jake Anthony's parents signed Jake out and took him home

"Are you sure Jake you know you could stay at our house son"Anthony's dad said
"Thanks mr.Trujillo but I good my dads out of town so I'll be fine"
"Alright what about you sweetie" Anthony's mom asked Erika
"Yeah I'm staying with Jake thank you for dropping us off" Erika said with a smile

Anthony's parents smile at them and drove off and they walked into Jakes house

"You staying over" Jake asked
"Y-yeah my dad is really mad right now I'm scared to go back and I want to stay because I feel bad about what they did to you"Erika said looking down Jake lifted her head up
"I'm fine good thing she's short she hit my ribs still hurt but at least I didn't get my head bashed in" he said Erika laughed Jake smiled
"What" Erika asked with a smile as she saw Jake staring at her
"I really want to kiss you right now" he said Erika blushed and looked down then lifted her head up
"Then what's stopping you" she said biting her lip

Jake smirked and gently pushed her against the door pulling her lip back down with his thumb he grabbed her face and kissed her Erika kissed back they started making out . Jake kissed down her neck sucking on her sweet spot Erika let out a small whimper/moan Jake locked the door with his free hand then whispered in her ear

"Jump" Jake whispered softly Erika Did as told and wrapped her legs around his torso Jake walked up to his room while kissing her once he got there he gently laid her on his bed ,on top of her kissing down her neck he pulled her sweater off she was only wearing a cropped tank top under Jake started kissing her chest
"J-Jake w-wait" Erika said Jake stopped and looked up at her
"What's wrong"
"I-I want to do it with you b-but I'm not ready yet I-I'm scared" She said sitting up and looking down
"Hey it's okay I won't force you to do anything I'll wait until your ready"he said picking her head up Erika smiled
"Thank you" she smiled
"We can still make out right"
"Mhm" she hummed Jake smiled and flipped them over so she was straddling him and they kissed

-next day ....

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