𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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Jakes POV
Hey Uh I'm Jake Paul I'm 17 and a senior in high school I live in Cali and I guess you could say I'm broken I don't really have anything to live for I lived with my brother Logan but he...he was suicidal and killed him self I was heart broken he was 2 years older we were like glue he always looked after he but then...anyway I only have my dad . My mom left us a when we where younger our dad has always been abusive towards us so she left us out dad started abusing us, hitting us whenever he feels like it he's beat me once that I ended up in the hospital but i can't do anything because I'm not 18 but if I was I would run...run far and never look back. In school I'm not popular but no one messes with me everyone is technically scared of me ,I get into fights all the time I do whatever I want I smoke do every drug you can think of I don't like being mess with I don't have any friends well I have one he's my best friend, Anthony he understands me and most of the time I'm over at his place but yeah that's my life

Erikas POV
Hi I'm Erika costell Im 17 and I just moved to California with my...dad and step mom. My mom died of cancer when I was 8 we used to live I. California but when my mom died my dad decided to move back to Tennessee and the first year all my dad would focus on was his work then he met Rebecca then everything changed my dad is always yelling at me ,calling me names hitting me and well my step mom ,she does the same. I miss my mom so much sometimes I wish I could have died with her everything was so much better . I hate my life I feel broken we moved because my dad got a new job most of the time he's not home but my step mom treats me like her slave she has a son, he's older from a previous marriage he is in college now but I hate him too he...he raped me when I turned 15 he would rape me all the times he wanted until he left for college last year at least I got ride of him. I'm quiet and don't really talk to anyone I like being left alone

-first day of school

"Your going to let her out dressed like this"
"Like what Rebecca" Erik said
"Like a slut sweetie don't you have so respect for yourself"
"Your not my mom so shut up"Erika said she slapped her Erika held her face
"I hate you and you dad I hate you dad!"She said her dad slapped her hard making her fall to the ground Erika started crying
"You live in my house you follow my rules Erika your just like your mom ungrateful and rebellious!" Her dad yelled Erika got up and left getting into her car she cried softly and then calmed down then drove to her new school

Erikas outfit btw:

Erikas outfit btw:

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-with Jake

"Stop I get it I'm a peace of shit I've heard it multiple times!" Jake yelled at his dad his dad threw his glass at the wall behind him making him flinch Jake clenched his jaw then grabbed his backpack walking to his car he hit his steering wheel and let out a tear fall out of his eye before quickly wiping it away
"Why'd you have to leave me Logan why" he said to himself before driving off to school

Jakes outfit

Jakes outfit

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Jake walked into school and everyone turned not looking at him they where all scared of him Jake didn't care he walked to his locker then Anthony walked up to him

"My man always serious but always lookin fly" Anthony said Jake rolled his eyes
"What know cheer up bro" Anthony said
"Shut up wanna hit before class" Jake said pulling out the lighter
"You already know let's go" Anthony said

They walked behind the school and went under the bleachers and smoked a blunt until the bell rung

Erikas POV
I'm nervous and scared I've never been social I just hope no one bothers me

Erika went to the main office and got her schedule they called someone into help her around the school

"This is sunny she will show you around the school"
"Okay thank you" Erika said softly Erika walked up to her and they walked out
"I'm sunny since your new people will probably be whispering but don't worry it's normal" sunny said Erika nodded
"So where you from"
"I used to live her in a different town but once my mom died we moved back to Tennessee but my dad got a new job so I moved here again"
"Oh well I'm glad you came you look nice we can be best friends!"
"I don't really have Friends "
"Well that's why I'll be your first,we have all the same classes so let's go before the bell rings" sunny said attaching her arm with hers and walking to the first class

They walked in and sat down in the back sunny side next to hand it was math class

-10 minutes into the class

Jake and Anthony walk in laughing definitely high

"Mr. Paul and mr.Trujillo Why are you late to my class!" The teacher yelled...

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