Chapter Fourty-One

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6 Months Later

Liz, Tommy and Arthur walk into the Garrison. The place looked like it had been trashed, with smashes glass everywhere, rubbish on the floor, empty vodka and whisky bottles on the tables. The smell of the alcohol in the air made Liz feel sick. The only sound that could be heard was their footsteps along the wooden floor.

"Go home" Tommy calls to a half naked girl that was lead across some of the seats. Liz picks up a jacket for her and passes it to Arthur who ushers her out. She wasn't entirely sure why Tommy had asked her to accompany them, especially when he knows that Michael is coming home and Liz is eagerly awaiting his arrival. All of their eyes fall on the young boy, who was also spread across some of the more comfier chairs. Arthur climbs up behind him, and starts to pour water over his face, causing the boy to jump up.

"Wake up... ride and shine" Arthur smiles, seeming happy with himself for the way he awoke his brother.

"What are you doing here?" Finn asks, shaking his head

"Wasting our fucking time on you" Liz raises an eyebrow at the three men before her, aiming it towards them all. This causes Finn to groan. Liz ignores him and picks up some of the rubbish off the tables. Whilst they spoke, she continued on cleaning. It's all she seemed to do lately, or as Polly would call it 'nesting'

"What am I? Jesus Christ" Tommy takes a step back, not believing what he was hearing.

"Yeah, what am I Tom? Hmm?" Finn finishes off his glass of water, looking up. "I'm the brother you never got around to."

"You're a general, Finn. You understand? You're a fucking Shelby. So you're a general"

Liz started to tune out their conversation once again, concentrating on the cleaning. She kept glancing towards the clock, just waiting for the time she knew that Michael would finally be in Birmingham once again.

"Oh and errr Tom, while you're here, I've met this girl, and I'd like to marry her... she likes the life" Finn walks towards the back doors, hopefully to get some clean clothes. Liz scoffs at this remark, causing Finn to give her a dirty look.

"She likes the life he?" Tommy sighs "well  find one that hates it. That's what he did and now he's a chairman of the board" Liz laughs at how uncomfortable Arthur suddenly looked.

The doors to the Garrison opened up, letting some fresh air wash the wooden floors and walls. Polly appeared, a smile on her face as she glances Liz's way.

"It's time"


Liz had never felt nerves like it. The butterflies in her stomach was making her nauseous. She watched carefully out of the window of the car, just waiting for Michael to come through the doors. Despite him not having responded to her letter, she knew that once they saw each other in person everything could hopefully get sorted. Polly stood outside of the car, her back turned to the door. Her hat and sunglasses covered her face so Liz could barely see her expression.

Soon enough, through the door walked a young man in a beige coat and a brown hat. Liz's breath caught in her throat at the sight of him. He looked older, but in a good way, and more handsome some how. She isn't sure if it was the time apart that was making her feel like this, or her condition, but still, she wasn't complaining. Polly turns her head towards her son and smiles. She starts to walk towards her son, taking him in from not seeing him for so long.

"Hello Mum" he smiles. Liz took this as her chance to get out of the car. Finally speak to her man who has her heart. As she opens the door, her long coat get caught on the seat, veering away her attention for a second.

"This is Gina... Gina Gray... the captain married us on board" Michael smiles, the blonde now stood at his side, arm in arm. Liz's head shoots up, her breath once again caught in her throat but not in a good way. Her chest felt tight as her attention is now fully on the pair. Polly takes a deep breath as she turns to look towards the car, sorrow across her face as she glances as Liz. Michael's eyes now avert to her, his smile dropping instantly.

"Is this real?" Liz asks, a tear dropping down the side of her face.

"Liz..." Michael starts, but she cuts him off

"IS IT FUCKING REAL?" She shouts, not caring who could hear. Michael looks down at the floor, a mixture of emotions now running through him. Liz begins to shake, almost looking her balance as her legs buckle beneath her. The car door was still open in front of her, so she grabbed it for support. Polly rushed offer, trying to call her.

"Come on Liz... this isn't good in your condition" she soothes, keeping the girl up.

"Condition?" Michael asks, his eyes now moving back to Liz and his mother. Finally, Liz collects her emotions, and takes a deep breath. She closes the door and finally reveals her appearance to Michael.

"I'm pregnant Michael...." her hand holds onto her round stomach. His eyes widen and hands fly to his face. He feels so shocked in this moment, so many emotions flying through her. Anger, guilt, sadness....

"It's probably someone else's anyway...." Gina scoffs, her eyes moving from Liz's head to her feet...

"She's due next month, with MY Grandchild" Polly spits, anger flowing through her. Liz stands up fully, and takes a few steps forward, her eyes not moving away from Gina's once.

"Just because you think everyone acts like you, sleeping around with multiple guys or moving from one to another when she gets bored... you've got this all wrong. You have no right to come here, to my home, and make an accusation such as that. Get your facts right, or fuck off back to America. This is Michael's child, so I wouldn't go insinuating otherwise,  you sly bitch"

Liz shakes her head, disgusted with Gina, before turning away and making her way back home.

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