Chapter Thirty-Five.

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"And what is this?" Michael smiles, bringing down his first small bag with toiletries into the kitchen.

"Well... I baked you some bread to come home too..." Liz laughs, picking up the loaf. She felt like it was useless now seeing as they wouldn't exactly be able to sit and enjoy it with their food. 

"You are always so thoughtful" Michael approaches, wrapping his arms around Liz's waist, he kisses the tip of her nose. 

"I do try" 

The pair pull apart and move around the house, packing the essentials and trying to remember everything with the limited time they have.

"If you forget anything we will buy it over there!" Michael shouts from the other room. Liz shakes her head, wanting to take everything. She didn't want new, she wanted her stuff. Michael's stuff. Their home together. "What are you doing?" Michael stops in his tracks in the doorway, staring at Liz. 

"I'm just sad. About leaving. and the fact I can't decide which bloody  dresses are my favourite!" she smiles at the end, pointing towards her neatly hung wardrobe. 

"You don't have to come Liz..." Michael whispers. The room fell silent as she glares at him.

"You're joking right? of course I'm coming" She crosses her arms in a huff, before finally finding three of her favourite dresses and placing them in her very small bag on top of her signature suit. "We will just have to buy more when there" she sighs, zipping it up. 

"I love you for this... you know that. But don't feel pressured to come" Michael approaches her, his hand on her cheek. 

"Michael, you gave me a promise ring. You have a LONG time with me yet. I'm not breaking that promise" she holds up the hand with the ring on, smiling. For what felt like the millionth time in the half hour they had been together he pulled her close to his chest and kissed the top of her head. 

"We better get going then" he grins from ear to ear, picking up the last bag and taking it downstairs.


There wasn't much time left before the two of them needed to get on the train, but one last stop needed to be made. 

"I'll only be a minute" Liz kisses Michael's cheek, getting out of their taxi. Approaching the door to her childhood home, she knocks twice, waiting for someone to answer. Scuffling could be heard on the other side of the door before it finally opened. 

"Hey Robbie...." She smiles. For the first time that day she could feel tears prickling her eyes from the side of her niece Julia that was attached to his hip. 

"Hey! come in....!" He smiles, opening the door wider.

"I er... I can't stay" Liz gulps, trying to hold back her tears. "I'm leaving" Robbie's eyes look behind Liz's head towards the taxi, noticing Michael inside and his smile drops. 


"Back to New York. Michael has been sent there for business and I said I would go... we will be back eventually" she looks at her feet, the tears finally falling.

"Well this isn't goodbye  really" Robbie said, stepping forward and grabbing his little sister into a hug.

"It's see you later!" Julia smiles, blowing a kiss to her aunt.

"And when did you get so clever!?" Liz laugh's, taking her from Robbie arms.

"always" the little girl giggles. Liz passes her back to Robbie, and gives them both a kiss on the cheek. 

"Well..... I'll see you later" she grins, and winks towards the little girl, before walking back and getting Into the taxi, without looking back. 


Michael's hand lifts up to Liz's cheek, and wipes the tear that falls. Her gaze still out of the window of the train that was taking them to Liverpool, leaving the station of the place they call home. He watches as she leans her head into his hand, a small smile forming on her face. His love for Liz has grown so much over the last few months for what she has done for him, even the last hour for standing up to Tommy and leaving everything behind so she can be with him. His heart ached with love every time he saw her, thought of her, or thought of their life together. 

"You're so beautiful" he whispers, glad to have the carriage all to themselves. Her cheeks flush a pink colour and her gaze moves towards him. "I'm so happy you're coming with me"

"I'm happy I'm coming too" Her face turns and she kisses the palm of Michael's hand. He could feel himself starting to get nervous with the next few words that were going to be coming out of his mouth. He knew that this was going to be the start of something for them, away from Polly and Tommy. Although they will always be apart of the Peaky Blinders, they now aren't going to be surrounded by their influence. Their own lives, somewhere new. 

"Liz...." he takes a deep breath, catching her attention. She looks at him expectantly, waiting for his words to form. "These last few weeks to myself, away from you... I had a lot to think about. A lot of time on my own to consider things that I want and need In my life, and I know that I want, and need you. You honestly make me the happiest man on the earth. We have had a lot of challenges and obstacles thrown our way... and I wouldn't of been able to have faced them without you and vice versa. Elizabeth Patterson... I would honestly do anything in the world right now to hear the next word come out of your mouth be yes...." Michael grabs a small box from out of his pocket. One that he had been holding onto for the last few weeks since being away. He gets off his chair and onto the floor on one knee, holding the box out. Liz felt the tears again, but this time, happy ones. Her hand flies up to her mouth in shock.

"Will you Marry me?" Michael breathes out slowly, opening it to reveal the most beautiful diamond ring. 

"Yes" Liz whispers, placing the ring on her finger, admiring it. "Yes yes 100 times yes" Michael laughs in relief, grabbing his now Fiancés face and kissing her. 

"I've got the heart of a Gray" Liz smirks. 

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