Chapter Forty-Three

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"Not long now baby" Liz leans back in her chair, her hand stroking her large stomach. She smiles, imagining the day that she welcomes her child into the world. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are grey.. you'll never know dear... how much i love you..."

"Please don't take, my sunshine away...." Michael stood in the doorway of the office, finishing the song. This made Liz jump in her seat, instantly sitting upright. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" he gives her a small smile, walking into the room and closing the door behind him.

"It's fine" Liz smiles a little, her heart rate calming down. Michael walks around the desk, pulling the spare chair with him. He sits down in front of Liz and nods towards her stomach. "May i?"

Liz felt hesitant, but nods either way. Michael lifts his hand and places it on her stomach. "Mum thinks its a girl..." he whispers, keeping his hand in place. Within seconds, his smile grows as his child kicks and moves around. Liz smiles too.

"Not long until we know for sure.." she places her own hand on top of Michael's. His gaze moves to hers, his eyes soft. He knew he had messed up big time, and wasn't sure how to make it up to her.

"Just know I am here for you. Both of you, whatever you need" he says, keeping eye contact. Liz knew this to be true. Michael wasn't the sort of turn his back on her, or his child, no matter the situation. She nods, unsure of what to say to him. She could feel tears prickling her eyes and turns away before one falls.

"Liz... " Michael whispers, putting his fingers on her chin and turning her face to meet his. He moves in closer, her breath could be felt on his lips. "I'm so - "but before he could finish his sentence, and before Liz knew what she was doing, her lips crashed down on his. Michael kissed back, knowing with every inch of his body it was wrong, but it was also so, so right. The pair hadn't kissed like this, even for months before Liz left New York. In the kiss, was the sweetness of passion. A million loving thoughts all condensed down into one moment. Everything forgiven, all whilst they were at their most pure and vulnerable selves. It was in that kiss, they both felt at home.

"You better be fucking joking me" a voice broke them apart, neither of them having heard the office door open. Stood in the doorway was Gina, her face clearly not amused by the events unfolding before her.

"Haven't you heard of knocking before entering?" Liz smiles at her, acting as if nothing out of the ordinary happened. Michael sat in silence.

"You bitch" Gina goes to pick up a plant pot on the small table next to her, and throw it at Liz, but Michael stood up and got in the way.

"How fucking dare you? She's carrying my child!" The anger in his voice could be heard all around the office. Liz's smile dropped from her face from Michael's reaction.

"As I said before, it's probably not even yours!" Gina shouts back.

"Get out of my fucking office" Liz stands up and walks towards her, not batting an eyelid. The gaze that Liz holds with icy hostility is given back by Gina. "Do I need to remove you myself?" Liz asks through gritted teeth. Gina rolls here eyes, mutters something about being a whore under her breath, and turns away, slamming the door behind her. A deep breathe that Liz didn't even know she was holding in escapes her mouth. "You should go too... maybe talk it out with her" she turns back to Michael.

"No i-" but he stops, as Liz approaches him and kisses him on the lips softly.

"Go" she whispers, returning back to her desk.


Dust flies in the air as Liz walks around the house, cleaning up. 'Nesting' as such. She hums the tune to "you are my sunshine" as she goes, a small smile on her face. Cleaning seemed to be the only thing keeping her mind off of Michael. The more she walked into and out of each room, the more she started to remind herself of her mother. The way she folded clothes and would put them at the bottom of the stairs ready to be taken up. The way she would sweep all the dust into a corner of the room rather than the middle ready to pick up and be put into the bin. Cleaning out the cupboards meant re-organising the entirety of the kitchen.

"I'm going to be the best mum ever. I promise" she whispers to her bump, an even bigger smile on her face. She knew that from what she remembers, and from stories she has been told, her mum will be able to guide her through motherhood easily. Also with the help of Polly no doubt. The sound of a knock at the door bought Liz back into the room. Looking towards the clock it was 8:52pm... who on earth would be calling at this time?

"Liz" Michael is stood on the other side of the door, soaking wet from the rain and no umbrella in sight.

"Michael!" Liz ushers him in so he doesn't get any more wet. He stops her in the hallway and turns her to him.

"Liz... it's over. I left her.." he seems out of breath, almost as if he ran here. She was in complete shock, not knowing what to say to him. She had dreamt of this moment for so long since he came back from New York, but didn't think it would actually happen. "Don't say anything.." he smiles.

Finally, he pulls her in for a kiss. Their lips collide so hard it's as if they are making up for the many kisses they hadn't had over the last few months. The kiss was full of passion. It felt as though the kiss was sealing them together, never to be apart again. Liz could feel her clothes getting wet from his coat and hair, until her leg started to feel wet too...

"Michael.... I think my waters just broke..."

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