Chapter Twenty-Two.

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Michael had been avoiding Liz like the plague for two reasons. One, because he was angry and upset at her for not telling him about Changretta, and two, because he felt like a fool for storming out on her birthday. He felt like he had ruined it even though it was Tommy's fault for that stupid gift. He grabs the small box off his desk and plays with it in his hands, still not having given her his gift even days later. He places it to his chin, watching the door as shadows of people walked past, thinking of what to do. He opens the top draw of his desk, placed the small box inside, locks it shut and hides the keys under the desk on a hook. Eventually, he gets back to his work, wanting to get the day over with as fast as possible.

Liz sat at home worrying about Michael, upset that he still hadn't spoke to her. She wanted to go and see him desperately but knew he would probably just give her the cold look he had been given her at home as he gets ready for bed before walking into the spare room. Polly said he would come around, and that he doesn't take things lightly, which Liz knew, but it was still upsetting. She had been rehearsing what she wanted to say to him over and over, wanting to make sure she got them right. Her reasons for not wanting to tell him, and how she had planned on sitting him down to let him know when she was ready, but it just seemed difficult. 

With a sigh, Liz gets up off the chair and puts her coat on.

"Where are you going?" Polly walks in from the kitchen, newspaper in hand.

"Just out, need some air" Liz doesn't even look in her direction before opening the door and walking out of the house. Polly stands there in silence, watching the door close after her, before shaking her head. "children" she mutters to herself. 

Without knowing where she actually wanted to go, Liz just let her feet walk one step in front of the other, and soon found herself outside of Ada's house. She knocks on the door and waits patiently. 

"Liz" Ada smiles, but as soon as the door opens the tears she didn't know she had been holding back started to fall. 

"Oh liz" Ada says her name again, this time ushering her into the house then engulfing her in a hug. 

"he's still annoyed Ada, I don't know what to do" she sobs, letting Ada guide her to her living room where she already had a fresh pot of tea for her self. She pours Liz a cup and then her own, before sitting next to the girl on the sofa. 

"Yeah well you know what Michael is like, he won't take it lightly" she pats Liz's shoulder. 

"I know. thats all Polly says too, trying to make me feel better... but he's sleeping in a completely different room to me Ada" she sniffs, taking a sip of her tea. Ada stays quiet, not knowing what else to say. 

"Why don't I see if I can get him to talk?" she suggests.

"I don't think it will be the best idea... it'll only make things worse if he feels forced to do something" 

"Well, we have the opening of the institute for the Orphans soon don't we? he should at least be taking by then" Liz thinks to how much time there was between then and now, which isn't that long. Hopefully things will get sorted by then. Liz sits there for a while longer, discussing the business, Carl and Charles with Ada, as well as the rest of the family before she found It was time to leave. 


Instead of going home, like she had promised Ada, Liz found herself at the office looking for Michael. It was almost empty due to being the end of the day but she knew he would normally be here until late. She waked up to his office door that was shut, and took a deep breathe before opening the door, only to find no one inside. She walks in and sits at his desk, the lamp still on from where he must of forgot to turn it off. 

"Fuck you Thomas Shelby" she whispers under her breathe. It was all his fault. The way he handled things. He knew no one knew so why open the wound back up again for Liz? After a few minutes passed, Liz reaches for the draws to her right, starting from the bottom. They didn't contain anything interesting until she reached the top draw, which wouldn't open. 

"What the-?" she whispers, trying to jam the draw open but it wouldn't budge. Looking around the room she couldn't spot any keys, until her knee hit something and made a jingle sound. She reaches down and pulls the keys from under the desk. Liz shakes her head and laughs. Her hands start to shake as she takes the keys and fits one in the keyhole and unlocks. What she expected when she opened the draw she wasn't sure, but it definitely wasn't going to be the small box that was meant to be her birthday present from Michael. Liz smiles, taking the box out of the draw and opens it. It no longer had a ribbon tied around it like she remembers on her birthday, almost as if Michael had opened it. A small ring resided within the box. Liz wasn't sure what to think of this... was Michael going to propose? was she ready for that? Panic starting to set in. Was this why he had also been avoiding me? Was he regretting their relationship? Footsteps alerted Liz, she looks down at the present with panic, then rushes to put the lid back on and throw it in the draw closing it. 

"Liz..." Michael says, shocked, as he walks into the office. 

"Michael" She mocks, not moving from his chair. 

"What are you doing here?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. 

"What do you fucking think Michael? I've come to find you" She snaps, but instantly regrets it. 

"What do you fucking want then?" At this point the young girl had had enough of the situation.

"Michael I want YOU. I want you to talk to me again!  let me explain" she begs, but he doesn't even look at her as she speaks.

"What is there to explain" he shrugs "you didn't want to tell me you SHOT a man, thats it" 

"Michael! I didn't tell you because it HAUNTED ME. I needed time to process it myself!" 

"yeah well, you've said your piece, you can go" he tries to usher her out of his seat. She stands up to let him sit down but doesn't leave the room.

"Are you going to stay being this pathetic? seriously? what else can I do?" she cries, a single tear falling down her face. 

"Liz just go" 

"Do you not want me anymore Michael, is that it?" she knew she was pushing her luck saying this, but she needed the truth. 

"Are you crazy?!" he raises his voice, standing up and slamming his hands on the table. 

"Well it feels like it!" she screams back

"You're fucking crazy! of course I want you!" Michael opens the draw, not even noticing it was unlocked, and places the box on the table. "Your birthday present" he whispers "Is a promise ring. A promise that it will always be you, until we are ready for the next step. YOU Liz" Michael takes a deep breath. Liz steps forward and picks up the box, opening it for the second time that evening. 

"Michael I love you. I just can't keep going on like we have been. Please, just trust me when I say I was going to tell you, but when I was ready" she whispers, taking the ring out of the box. He walks around the table and takes the ring out of her hand, fiddling with it in his own.

"Ok" he says, realising it was time to stop arguing. He places the ring on her ring finger, but on her right hand. "I trust you" 

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