Chapter Twenty-Nine.

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When walking into the hospital room, Michael could be seen sat at the table, fiddling his thumbs. He had been waiting for Liz to turn up for a while, knowing she was coming to spend some alone time with him before the others showed. He couldn't be more grateful for her company whilst he was here at the hospital, always being able to put a smile on his face. 

"Hey" Liz whispers in Michael's ear as she wraps her arms around his neck. 

"Hey you" he whispers back, turning his head so they could kiss. 

"Guess what?" she gets all excited, a massive smile on her face. Before Michael could even guess she had already answered her own question. "I bought playing cards" she pulls them out of her bag and onto the table.  She face lights up at the sight of her boyfriend. He was gradually getting better and it cheered her up knowing that he will eventually be out of here.

"You know i'm better at cards than you" he smirks, taking the cards out of their box and starts to shuffle them. Liz crosses her arms and pouts. 

"I don't think so. Just because you've got a few holes in you doesn't mean I'll go easy" he places the cards down infront of them and lays them out accordingly.  Before they could even start the game, the door opens and a woman walks in, a brown paper bag in hand. Michael freeze's in his chair as he catches the eye of the woman. She looks between the two, before starting to talk, only ever looking at Michael. 

"I read about it in the paper...I have a right.." she says. Michael fiddles with his cain in his left hand whilst his other flys towards liz's hand. "I'm your mum as well" Liz tries not to make any sort of expression on her face but she knew she certainly felt shocked. "Do you want me to go away?" the woman asks, looking around the room then back at Michael. Liz stares at his face trying to work out what he's feeling but he is a blank canvas. 

"Yes" he nods.

"I'll just leave these then.... they are from our orchard" she places the paper bag on the table and starts to take apples out. "You used to love these"

"Well I hope there are no worms in them" A small smile crosses Michael's face. The woman laughs, a smile also coming to hers. She walks around and hugs hum before sitting down. 

"Look... I just came here to say you're welcome to come home. Get better there... I know you got bored of the village... but we love you. and your little brother misses having someone to play football with...and your dad... passed on.. peacefully in our bed" Michael's face drops. His hand is now grasping Liz's tighter than ever. 

"Fuck" he sighs "now go on... I'm expecting Tommy. He's due here now" he sighs again, finally bringing his gaze up to her face. 

"I'll go then.. I'll not be in the same rooms that man" She stands up and gives him a small smile, before finally turning her gaze to Liz "Look after him for me Love" Liz nods in response, as she turns her back and walks out the room. Michael looks at Liz, his jaw tightened but his eyes soft.

"Shall we get back to this game?" he whispers, picking up the cards once again, clearly trying to forget about the news he had just received. 


"They'll be here soon" Liz giggles, standing between Michael's legs as he sits on the edge of the bed, his hands move slowly from the small of her back to her bum. 

"And..?" he smirks lifting her blouse slightly and kissing around her navel. 

"Stop it you" she laughs, tucking her blouse back in "You're still healing" she shakes her head this time, smiling, before leaning forward and placing a kiss on Michael's lips. 

"Yeah well, just you wait, because when I'm healed I'll-" but the door opening stopped him mid sentence. In walked Tommy, Polly Lizzie and Ada, tight lipped and meaning business. Tommy nods for Michael to sit at the table, where he was now spreading out paperwork. 

"I'll leave you too it" Liz waves, heading towards the door. 

"Elizabeth, you may stay" Tommy doesn't even turn to look at her as she makes her way to the table. Pulling up a spare chair Liz situates herself next to Michael and concentrates on keeping her mouth shut. 

"Right, before we start this  extraordinary general meeting, Of the board of the Shelby Company Limited, I'd like to note the absence of the Deputy Vice President"  Tommy's words go over her head as he hands out paperwork to each person, including Liz. Her eyes glance towards the door, wondering where on earth Arthur could be. 

"Item number two, during the absence of the company accountant due to ill health, all responsibility for the keeping of company accounts, pass to head of acquisitions, along with Elizabeth Patterson" Ada gives Liz a small smile and nods at her tor read the paperwork. Liz glances at the paper, reading over everything which basically outlines most of what she already does by helping Michael anyway. She nods in agreement to which Tommy then continued on with the meeting. 

"All those in favour, of the reinstatement of Mrs Elizabeth Gray, to the position of Shelby Company Limited, company treasurer, please raise your hands" everyone raises their hands. Liz was shocked, that for the amount of time she had known Polly, she didn't know her full name was the same as her own. 

"Why Goodness, Thank you" she says sarcastically, looking around the table. 

"Right, I declare this extraordinary general meeting, over" Tommy tries to scoop up the paperwork in order. "Now we can talk about real business, but for that, we need Arthur. Where the fuck is Arthur?" he sighs, hands on the table. Liz looks towards Michael, knowing it was her time to leave. 

"I'll see you later" She stands, kissing the top of his head. He squeezes her hand and watches as she walks away, waving to everyone else. 

He couldn't help how beautiful she looked, how much he loves her. He would never stop loving her - he vowed to himself in his head. 

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