Chapter Twenty-Three.

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The air that surrounded Liz was full of smoke from everyone puffing on their cigarettes. Polly wafts some away with her hand trying to keep to out of Charlie's face as she carries him on her hip. Michael is holding Liz's hand as they make their way to the front door of the large building infront of them. 

"Come on all, get in the photo" Thomas speaks up, ushering everyone to gather around. Liz glares at him, still not properly speaking since the gift giving incident on her birthday. Michael holds the girls waist tightly, as they freeze into a family photo and smile. 

"God I hate photos" Liz says through gritted teeth as the photographer continues to capture the moment. this causes Michael to laugh slightly, his smile seeming more natural. It was very rare that you would ever catch a smile on the boys face other than when he is around Carl, Charlie or Liz, and she loved it. The group soon parted, turning around and heading towards the building. Liz looks up at the plaque on the left hand side of the door and places her fingers over Grace's name. 

Grace Shelby Institute for Orphaned Children

"She would approve" John comes up behind Liz making her jump. She doesn't say anything as she walks through the doorway, her mind travelling back to the Grace she got along with so well. She shook any sort of thoughts of the night she was murdered out of her head as she follows everyone into a great big hall filled with chairs and other members of the public. She had lost Michael in the crowd, so decided to sit next to Finn who was a few rows from the front. 

"Alright?" he nods his head towards hers. 

"Aye. How you holding up?" she asks, crossing her right leg over her left, making herself comfortable. 

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" he tilts his head in confusion. She shakes her head and laughs at the young boy, who seemed to be growing up so fast, now 16 years of age. Everyone in the room starts to lower their voices as Polly walks own stage. Liz notices Michael out of the corner of her eye sat two rows in front next to Tommy. He turns and spots her, winking before putting his attention back on his mother.

"Welcome to the opening of the Grace Shelby Institute for the non-insured children of the poor. I would very much like you to join me, in thanking the man that made the founding of this establishment actually possible. Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr Thomas Shelby"

Everyone starts to clap as Thomas holds Charlie in his arms and stands up, turning to everyone.

"SPEECH" Arthur and John shout at alternative times, Thomas nods at the small crowd that are seated as they all start to stand. Finn pounds his foot on the floor, making the applause seem louder.

"Killing some ants down there?" Liz raises an eyebrow, causing Finn to rolls his eyes. 

"Shut up Liz" he laughs, continuing on with his applause. She averts her attention back to the front, realising that Thomas needed to put Charlie down. She rushes forward and takes the young boy in her arms, giving Liz and grateful look. 

"Say it Tom! Say it to 'em!" Arthur shouts again. Thomas walks up to the stage as everyone starts to take their seats. Liz placing Charlie in her lap, smiling and coo'ing at him trying to keep his attention.  Michael watches her out of the corner of his eye, not paying attention to whatever words were coming out of his cousin's mouth. He watches as Liz blows a raspberry on Charlie's cheek making him giggle. He tries to grab her hair but she turns her fingers in to 'scissors' as if to snip his little fingers away which he was loving. Michael knew that one day, she would make an incredible mother. It was something he would love, to start a little family with her one day, have a little child of their own. He wonders if he would prefer a girl or a boy, what they might call them, and maybe if they would even have more than one child. He glances towards Esme and John, their kids surrounding them, and instantly decided that maybe two children is enough. 

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